
Savannah Carmichael

Owner at My Addiction Skin Care

Savannah Carmichael Email & Phone number


(951) ***-****

Savannah Carmichael Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Savannah Carmichael Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Savannah Carmichael

Savannah Carmichael is an Owner at My Addiction Skin Care based in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Previously, Savannah was a Master Lash Educator at Bella Lash Extensions and also held positions at My Addiction Skin Care, My Addiction Makeup.

Savannah Carmichael Current Workplace

My Addiction Skin Care

2015-present (10 years)

My Addiction Skin Care is the premier location in Southern California for the ultimate in eyelash extensions. Their expert Lash Artists provide high-quality and long-lasting eyelash extensions tailored to each client, ensuring a sexy and safe experience. With convenient locations in California and Arizona, they offer full-service lash extensions, body waxing, and customized facial skincare services to satisfy their VIP clientele.

Savannah Carmichael Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Master Lash Educator

Bella Lash Extensions





National University

Org Chart - My Addiction Skin Care

Savannah Carmichael


Recent News About Savannah Carmichael

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Savannah Carmichael

What company does Savannah Carmichael work for?
Savannah Carmichael works for My Addiction Skin Care as Owner
What is Savannah Carmichael’s role in My Addiction Skin Care?
Savannah Carmichael’s role in My Addiction Skin Care is Owner
What is Savannah Carmichael’s email address?
Savannah Carmichael’s email address is s***@myaddictionskincare.com
What is Savannah Carmichael’s business email address?
Savannah Carmichael’s business email address is s***@myaddictionskincare.com
What is Savannah Carmichael’s direct phone number?
Savannah Carmichael’s direct phone number is (951) ***-****
What is Savannah Carmichael’s work phone number?
Savannah Carmichael’s headquarters phone number is (909) 989-6462
What is Savannah Carmichael’s latest job experience?
Savannah Carmichael’s latest job experience is Master Lash Educator at Bella Lash Extensions
Which industry does Savannah Carmichael work in?
Savannah Carmichael works in the industry of Hair Salons, Consumer Services.
Who are Savannah Carmichael’s peers at other companies?
Savannah Carmichael’s peers at other companies are Sofia Gambale, Jamee Yocum, Mikayla Nicholson, Samantha Burd, Paul Abbott.
Who are Savannah Carmichael’s colleagues?
Some of Savannah Carmichael’s colleagues are Marcela Tovar.
How can I contact Savannah Carmichael?
Savannah Carmichael contact details: Email address: s***@myaddictionskincare.com Phone number: (951) ***-****
Who is Savannah Carmichael?

Savannah Carmichael is an Owner at My Addiction Skin Care based in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Previously, Savannah was a Master Lash Educator at Bella Lash Extensions and also held positions at My Addiction Skin Care, My Addiction Makeup....

Where is Savannah Carmichael based?
Savannah Carmichael works for My Addiction Skin Care, located at United States
Who is My Addiction Skin Care’s Owner?
My Addiction Skin Care's Owner is Savannah Carmichael