Savan Prajapati

Software Engineer at BitsFlow Technologies

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Savan Prajapati Current Workplace



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Savan Prajapati Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Savan Prajapati

Savan Prajapati is a Software Engineer at BitsFlow Technologies based in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Previously, Savan was an Intern at Jellyfish Technologies.Explore more

Savan Prajapati Current Workplace

BitsFlow Technologies

2023-present (2 years)

BitsFlow Technologies is a software development and consultancy services company, which is founded by banking domain technocrats, to serve the need of Indian & International financial institutions in managing existing banking solutions and providing value add in futuristic approach to new age banking solutions. We provide Product for Lending Business, Consultancy Services, Custom Software Development, Training, Quality & Testing Services, Production Management Services and Cloud Hosting & Management Services. Leading Indian Banks & Financial Institutions are our customers, and we are committed to enable their digital journey with our smart solutions.

Savan Prajapati Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Jellyfish Technologies


Org Chart - BitsFlow Technologies


Software Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Savan Prajapati

What company does Savan Prajapati work for?
Savan Prajapati works for BitsFlow Technologies as Software Engineer
What is Savan Prajapati’s role in BitsFlow Technologies?
Savan Prajapati’s role in BitsFlow Technologies is Software Engineer
What is Savan Prajapati’s direct phone number?
Savan Prajapati’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Savan Prajapati’s work phone number?
Savan Prajapati’s headquarters phone number is +91 9818577082
What is Savan Prajapati’s latest job experience?
Savan Prajapati’s latest job experience is Intern at Jellyfish Technologies
Which industry does Savan Prajapati work in?
Savan Prajapati works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Savan Prajapati’s peers at other companies?
Savan Prajapati’s peers at other companies are Chris Loebner, Vladimir Nikolic, Hareesh Aarikatla, Saidulu Bugga, Aditya Verma.
Who are Savan Prajapati’s colleagues?
Some of Savan Prajapati’s colleagues are Vikash Chauhan, Aanandita Diwan, Rishabh Naithani, Sachin Mahur.
Who is Savan Prajapati?

Savan Prajapati is a Software Engineer at BitsFlow Technologies based in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Previously, Savan was an Intern at Jellyfish Technologies.... Read More

Where is Savan Prajapati based?
Savan Prajapati works for BitsFlow Technologies, located at India
See more information about Savan Prajapati

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