2019-present (6 years)
Sarah Culbertson Email & Phone number
Sarah Culbertson Current Workplace
2227 State Rte 256 Unit B, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, 43068, United States
Phone Number
(614) 860-0005
Number of Employees
Sarah Culbertson Work Experience Summary
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3About Sarah Culbertson
Sarah Culbertson is an Escrow Officer at Valmer Land Title Agency based in Reynoldsburg, Ohio.
Previously, Sarah was a Bartender at Shade On the Canal and also held positions at King Strategic Communications.
Sarah Culbertson Current Workplace
Valmer Land Title Agency
Valmer Land Title provides commercial real estate services for property throughout the country. Our staff has combined experience of over 50 years in the commercial industry. We provide comprehensive escrow and title services for all transactions, including multi-site, multi-state transactions, land acquisitions, construction financing, condominium conversions, short sales, investment portfolio restructuring, 1031 tax deferred exchanges, and permanent financing. Valmer is an independent title agency with multiple underwriters, which allows us the flexibility to resolve title issues quickly and effectively. We work closely with the underwriters in each state and local agents who are experienced in commercial transactions to assure each transaction is completed to your satisfaction. Our experience in commercial real estate provides you with a single-source contact to keep you informed throughout the closing process.
Sarah Culbertson Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sarah Culbertson
Sarah Culbertson is an Escrow Officer at Valmer Land Title Agency based in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Previously, Sarah was a Bartender at Shade On the Canal and also held positions at King Strategic Communications....