Sarah Bushnell

Shareholder at Arthur Chapman Kettering Smetak Pikala PA

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Sarah Bushnell Email & Phone number

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(612) ***-****

Sarah Bushnell Current Workplace



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Sarah Bushnell Work Experience Summary

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About Sarah Bushnell

Sarah Bushnell is a Shareholder at Arthur Chapman Kettering Smetak Pikala PA based in Hudson, Wisconsin. Previously, Sarah was an Attorney at Timothy D Kelly and also held positions at Kelly and Hannah, Law enforcement agencies, Maryland Legal Aid.Explore more

Sarah Bushnell Current Workplace

The attorneys of Arthur Chapman Kettering Smetak & Pikala, P.A. deliver top-tier legal expertise with down-to-earth character and values, without ego and pretense. Clients call on Arthur Chapman attorneys for litigation counsel in the areas of civil and business litigation. Since 1974, Arthur Chapman attorneys have partnered with clients to navigate every step of the litigation process from the smallest claims to the largest, most complex disputes. With 45 attorneys, we offer big-firm knowledge and results, but with the agility and dedication of a smaller practice. We get it done with unsurpassed initiative, diligence, and follow-through. Clients hire Arthur Chapman because we are experienced trial lawyers with extensive courtroom experience. We work with clients to decide on the best course of action, when to try a case and when to settle. Our clients know they receive good results and good value. Our team is different: we have purposefully created a high paralegal to attorney ratio.See more

Sarah Bushnell Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Timothy D Kelly



Kelly and Hannah



Law enforcement agencies


Director, Training

Maryland Legal Aid


Harvard Law School
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Volunteer Attorney

Children's Law Center of Minnesota


Org Chart - Arthur Chapman Kettering Smetak Pikala PA






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sarah Bushnell

What company does Sarah Bushnell work for?
Sarah Bushnell works for Arthur Chapman Kettering Smetak Pikala PA as Shareholder
What is Sarah Bushnell’s role in Arthur Chapman Kettering Smetak Pikala PA?
Sarah Bushnell’s role in Arthur Chapman Kettering Smetak Pikala PA is Shareholder
What is Sarah Bushnell’s email address?
Sarah Bushnell’s email address is s***
What is Sarah Bushnell’s business email address?
Sarah Bushnell’s business email address is s***
What is Sarah Bushnell’s direct phone number?
Sarah Bushnell’s direct phone number is (612) ***-****
What is Sarah Bushnell’s work phone number?
Sarah Bushnell’s headquarters phone number is (715) 386-9000
What is Sarah Bushnell’s latest job experience?
Sarah Bushnell’s latest job experience is Attorney at Timothy D Kelly
Which industry does Sarah Bushnell work in?
Sarah Bushnell works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Sarah Bushnell’s peers at other companies?
Sarah Bushnell’s peers at other companies are Jay Wettach, Mark Pieper, Andrew Halaby, Julie Kline, Andrew Harris.
Who are Sarah Bushnell’s colleagues?
Some of Sarah Bushnell’s colleagues are Allison LaFave, Joshua Klumb, Perssis Meshkat, Linda Comiskey.
How can I contact Sarah Bushnell?
Sarah Bushnell contact details: Email address: s*** Phone number: (612) ***-****
Who is Sarah Bushnell?

Sarah Bushnell is a Shareholder at Arthur Chapman Kettering Smetak Pikala PA based in Hudson, Wisconsin. Previously, Sarah was an Attorney at Timothy D Kelly and also held positions at Kelly and Hannah, Law enforcement agencies, Maryland Legal Aid.... Read More

Where is Sarah Bushnell based?
Sarah Bushnell works for Arthur Chapman Kettering Smetak Pikala PA, located at United States
See more information about Sarah Bushnell

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