2023-present (2 years)
Sarah Andersen Email & Phone number
Sarah Andersen Current Workplace
PO Box 1036, Nuuk, 3900, Greenland
+299 524245
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Sarah Andersen Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
16Average duration at a company (years)
2Number of job titles
17About Sarah Andersen
Sarah Andersen works as a Direktionsassistent at Mittarfeqarfiit, which is an Airlines, Airports & Air Services company with an estimated 377 employees. Sarah is currently based in Greenland. They used to work at Kalaallit Airports Gruppen and Tusass. Found email listings include: s***@mit.gl, @business.gl,and @kair.gl.Explore more
Sarah Andersen Current Workplace
We manage the complete air transportation of passengers and cargo in Greenland, divided between 13 airports and 43 heliports. Employing almost 450 people, Mittarfeqarfiit is one of the largest workplaces in Greenland. Our mission is to deliver infrastructure and to ensure that our customers and business partners have the best conditions possible for operating in Greenland. This is carried out on market-related terms in a dynamic collaboration between us, our owners - the Greenlandic Government - and our customers who come to Greenland with new infrastructural requirements and consulting requests. Social Media
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Sarah Andersen sarah@business.gl
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