2023-present (1 year)
Sara Pourlak Email & Phone number
Sara Pourlak Current Workplace
34722 Kadıköy, Istanbul,Turkey
+90 2163452167
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Sara Pourlak Work Experience Summary
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6Average duration at a company (years)
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4About Sara Pourlak
Sara Pourlak works as a University Lecturer at Marmara University, which is a Colleges & Universities company with an estimated 2,615 employees. Sara is currently based in Istanbul, Istanbul. They used to work at İTÜ Development Foundation Schools and Tabarestan Language Institute. Found email listings include: s***@marmara.edu.tr.Explore more
Sara Pourlak Current Workplace
Marmara University
Marmara University, at almost 139 years old, is the largest and one of the leading institutions of higher education in Turkey. With more than 70,000 students and close to 3,000 academic staff, Marmara University also boasts a strong research reputation. This research extends to connected and autonomous vehicles where they have broken new ground in the world by establishing a development & test infrastructure for transportation, automotive, telecommunication sectors and connected vehicles, smart transportation, smart city applications that will enable the tests of connected and autonomous vehicles in all kinds of environments and conditions. "It is a great honor, pleasure, and privilege to be a member of IAMTS, in addition to being the first member organization from Turkey. As the country's leading university in connected cars, V2X technologies, and CAV, we will be delighted to contribute to IAMTS with our laboratories, infrastructure and researchers," said Dr. Professor Müjdat Soytürk,See more
Sara Pourlak Work Experience & Education
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