Sara Ayoub

Finance Administrator & Director at Tekno Consultancy

Sara Ayoub Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Sara Ayoub

Sara Ayoub is a Finance Administrator & Director at Tekno Consultancy based in Portland, Oregon.Explore more

Sara Ayoub Current Workplace

Tekno Consultancy

2016-present (9 years)

TEKNO Consultancy is an international firm founded in 1964 under the name Ayoub Engineering Consultancy. The firm is specialized in planning, architecture, and engineering services for governmental, institutional, commercial, educational, industrial, and residential clients. While the firm's work is diverse, ranging from corporate headquarters and commercial facilities to housing and university buildings, all of our projects share a unifying theme: design that is in harmony with the community setting, client values, and user needs. TEKNO Consultancy collaborates with clients to define problems and goals, leading to creative, realistic solutions. Through clear communication channels, clients become integral members of the design team, helping to weigh budget and design against long-term objectives, and build consensus around key project requirements, responding to the program, site, and surroundings. Whatever the setting, we design with the understanding that successful public buildingsSee more

Org Chart - Tekno Consultancy


Finance Administrator & Director




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sara Ayoub

What company does Sara Ayoub work for?
Sara Ayoub works for Tekno Consultancy as Finance Administrator & Director
What is Sara Ayoub’s role in Tekno Consultancy?
Sara Ayoub’s role in Tekno Consultancy is Finance Administrator & Director
What is Sara Ayoub’s email address?
Sara Ayoub’s email address is s***@teknoconsultancy.com
What is Sara Ayoub’s business email address?
Sara Ayoub’s business email address is s***@teknoconsultancy.com
What is Sara Ayoub’s direct phone number?
Sara Ayoub’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sara Ayoub’s work phone number?
Sara Ayoub’s headquarters phone number is (570) 840-5103
Which industry does Sara Ayoub work in?
Sara Ayoub works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Sara Ayoub’s peers at other companies?
Sara Ayoub’s peers at other companies are Jim Toller.
Who are Sara Ayoub’s colleagues?
Some of Sara Ayoub’s colleagues are Mayyada Almakki, Umaiema Osman, Arwa Ahmed, Hussen Ibrahim.
How can I contact Sara Ayoub?
Sara Ayoub contact details: Email address: s***@teknoconsultancy.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Sara Ayoub?

Sara Ayoub is a Finance Administrator & Director at Tekno Consultancy based in Portland, Oregon.... Read More

Where is Sara Ayoub based?
Sara Ayoub works for Tekno Consultancy, located at United States
See more information about Sara Ayoub

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