
Sara Abdallah

Manager, Engineering Department at Mg Developments

Sara Abdallah Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Sara Abdallah Current Workplace


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Number of Employees


Sara Abdallah Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Sara Abdallah

Sara Abdallah is a Manager, Engineering Department at Mg Developments based in Cairo, Cairo. Previously, Sara was a Senior Project Coordinator at SITES International and also held positions at Ic Group, Darko Constructions SAE, MSA University.Explore more

Sara Abdallah Current Workplace

Mg Developments

2021-present (4 years)

MG Developments is a group of specialized companies operate the business of real estate investment, tourism development and construction with an issued capital of 1 billion and 700 million Egyptian pounds. The Group was incorporated by Mr. Mohammed Mustafa Metawee in 1998 for the purpose of implementing residential, commercial and administrative projects with integrated services. The group has 250 employees, as well as part time and on short term basis staff. Besides, MG depends on a professional team of administrators and engineers experienced in choosing the best geographical sites, as well as the planning and implementation of projects using the most advanced technologies and modern construction methods, while ensuring better utilization of space and quality designs. MG Developments has directed its investments towards the Fifth Settlement, being a luxurious district that attracts MG's targeted class with a purchasing power ranging between EGP 600.000 and EGP 2.000.000. In addition,See more

Sara Abdallah Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Project Coordinator

SITES International


Senior Cost Engineer & Contract Administrator

Ic Group


Senior Architect

Darko Constructions SAE



MSA University


Org Chart - Mg Developments


Manager, Engineering Department




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sara Abdallah

What company does Sara Abdallah work for?
Sara Abdallah works for Mg Developments as Manager, Engineering Department
What is Sara Abdallah’s role in Mg Developments?
Sara Abdallah’s role in Mg Developments is Manager, Engineering Department
What is Sara Abdallah’s email address?
Sara Abdallah’s email address is s***@mg.com.eg
What is Sara Abdallah’s business email address?
Sara Abdallah’s business email address is s***@mg.com.eg
What is Sara Abdallah’s direct phone number?
Sara Abdallah’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sara Abdallah’s work phone number?
Sara Abdallah’s headquarters phone number is +61 221281800
What is Sara Abdallah’s latest job experience?
Sara Abdallah’s latest job experience is Senior Project Coordinator at SITES International
Which industry does Sara Abdallah work in?
Sara Abdallah works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Sara Abdallah’s peers at other companies?
Sara Abdallah’s peers at other companies are Nicholas Martisofski, Matt Daniels, Stephen Owen, Matthew Owings, Clif Dayton.
Who are Sara Abdallah’s colleagues?
Some of Sara Abdallah’s colleagues are Nadeen Bassem, Nayera Ramadan, Nader Gohary, Yasmeen Hamza.
How can I contact Sara Abdallah?
Sara Abdallah contact details: Email address: s***@mg.com.eg Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Sara Abdallah?

Sara Abdallah is a Manager, Engineering Department at Mg Developments based in Cairo, Cairo. Previously, Sara was a Senior Project Coordinator at SITES International and also held positions at Ic Group, Darko Constructions SAE, MSA University.... Read More

Where is Sara Abdallah based?
Sara Abdallah works for Mg Developments, located at Egypt
See more information about Sara Abdallah

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