Sanjoy Mitra

General Manager ( Sales & Marketing ) at Union Label & Accessories

Sanjoy Mitra Email & Phone number

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+880 ****-******

Sanjoy Mitra Current Workplace



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About Sanjoy Mitra

Sanjoy Mitra is a General Manager ( Sales & Marketing ) at Union Label & Accessories based in Gulshan Model Town, Dhaka.Explore more

Sanjoy Mitra Current Workplace

Union Label & Accessories

2023-present (1 year)

Union Label & Accessories Ltd. Is one of the largest & leading Garments Accessories Manufacturer in Bangladesh since 1998. The facilities are well equipped with state of the latest machineries and backup with dynamic team. As time passed be and we have centralized our all production. Our focus one of the development of customized new product and productivity, facilities, quality & delivery. We do always believe on establishing good relationship with valued customers, delivery consignments according to the terms of customers requirement, we always use best quality raw-materials which came from reputed ISO & Oeko-Tex certified company around the world. We are gradually increasing our client list and meet up the requirement. The company dedicated his effort to change the economy of the nation by creating job opportunity for the people. It is your co-operation which gives us the strength and opportunity to stay in market with the success and to introduce our new facility. We appreciate youSee more

Org Chart - Union Label & Accessories

General Manager ( Sales & Marketing...





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sanjoy Mitra

What company does Sanjoy Mitra work for?
Sanjoy Mitra works for Union Label & Accessories as General Manager ( Sales & Marketing )
What is Sanjoy Mitra’s role in Union Label & Accessories?
Sanjoy Mitra’s role in Union Label & Accessories is General Manager ( Sales & Marketing )
What is Sanjoy Mitra’s direct phone number?
Sanjoy Mitra’s direct phone number is +880 ****-******
What is Sanjoy Mitra’s work phone number?
Sanjoy Mitra’s headquarters phone number is +880 1713397275
Which industry does Sanjoy Mitra work in?
Sanjoy Mitra works in the industry of Textiles & Apparel, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Sanjoy Mitra’s peers at other companies?
Sanjoy Mitra’s peers at other companies are Pijush Saha.
Who are Sanjoy Mitra’s colleagues?
Some of Sanjoy Mitra’s colleagues are Nur Uddin, Md Shamim, Md Apu, Md Shahariar.
Who is Sanjoy Mitra?

Sanjoy Mitra is a General Manager ( Sales & Marketing ) at Union Label & Accessories based in Gulshan Model Town, Dhaka.... Read More

Where is Sanjoy Mitra based?
Sanjoy Mitra works for Union Label & Accessories, located at Bangladesh
See more information about Sanjoy Mitra

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