Sanjeev Sharma

Vice President (Operations) at Time Technoplast

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About Sanjeev Sharma

Sanjeev Sharma is a Vice President (Operations) at Time Technoplast based in Mumbai, Maharashtra.Explore more

Sanjeev Sharma Current Workplace

Time Technoplast

2024-present (6 months)

Time Technoplast Ltd. (TTL) (formerly Time Packaging Ltd.) offers a range of technology based polymer products catering to the growing sectors of the Indian economy with Industrial and Consumer Packaging Solutions, Lifestyle Products, Auto Components, Healthcare Products and Construction / Infrastructure related products. With manufacturing facilities spread over 6 strategic locations and equipped with 11 regional / area marketing offices, TTL has the ability to offer the product range across the country. Its services over 500 institutional clients and the distribution network spread to reach 345 cities and towns. For FY05-06, TTL logged in revenue of Rs 3045 million. TTL's product portfolio consists of packaging products including Drums / Containers, Pails, PET sheets, Entrance Mattings, Turfs, Garden Furniture, Automotive Components, Auto Disabling Medical Disposables and Warning Nets. While remaining focused on polymer products, TTL has built up a consolidated technology platform enSee more

Org Chart - Time Technoplast


Vice President (Operations)




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sanjeev Sharma

What company does Sanjeev Sharma work for?
Sanjeev Sharma works for Time Technoplast as Vice President (Operations)
What is Sanjeev Sharma’s role in Time Technoplast?
Sanjeev Sharma’s role in Time Technoplast is Vice President (Operations)
What is Sanjeev Sharma’s email address?
Sanjeev Sharma’s email address is s***@timetechnoplast.com
What is Sanjeev Sharma’s business email address?
Sanjeev Sharma’s business email address is s***@timetechnoplast.com
What is Sanjeev Sharma’s direct phone number?
Sanjeev Sharma’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sanjeev Sharma’s work phone number?
Sanjeev Sharma’s headquarters phone number is +91 2271119999
Which industry does Sanjeev Sharma work in?
Sanjeev Sharma works in the industry of Tires & Rubber, Manufacturing.
Who are Sanjeev Sharma’s colleagues?
Some of Sanjeev Sharma’s colleagues are Prajapati Rahul, Vishwajit Singh, Venumadhav Gudi, Ranjan Tiwari.
How can I contact Sanjeev Sharma?
Sanjeev Sharma contact details: Email address: s***@timetechnoplast.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Sanjeev Sharma?

Sanjeev Sharma is a Vice President (Operations) at Time Technoplast based in Mumbai, Maharashtra.... Read More

Where is Sanjeev Sharma based?
Sanjeev Sharma works for Time Technoplast, located at India
See more information about Sanjeev Sharma

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