
Sania Eydatoulah

Associate at ENSafrica

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About Sania Eydatoulah

Sania Eydatoulah is an Associate at ENSafrica based in Sandton.Explore more

Sania Eydatoulah Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

With over 600 specialist practitioners, ENSafrica is Africa's largest law firm and has the capacity to deliver on your business, legal, forensics, IP and related requirements across all major industries across the African continent. ENSafrica is recognised by top international ranking agencies, as well as in the African Legal and DealMakers Awards, for achieving consistently high standards when working on the continent. With more than 200 years' experience, ENSafrica has the expertise required to deliver across a breadth and depth of commercial legal advisory areas. As an African firm, in Africa for Africa, services are rendered seamlessly covering the African continent. Over many years, ENSafrica has developed a large knowledge base and a broad pool of specialist resources along with a deep understanding of the local nuances and ways of doing business in Africa. The firm has vast practical experience working on the ground across the continent and has direct access to high-end, professSee more

Org Chart - ENSafrica






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sania Eydatoulah

What company does Sania Eydatoulah work for?
Sania Eydatoulah works for ENSafrica as Associate
What is Sania Eydatoulah’s role in ENSafrica?
Sania Eydatoulah’s role in ENSafrica is Associate
What is Sania Eydatoulah’s email address?
Sania Eydatoulah’s email address is s***@ensafrica.com
What is Sania Eydatoulah’s business email address?
Sania Eydatoulah’s business email address is s***@ensafrica.com
What is Sania Eydatoulah’s direct phone number?
Sania Eydatoulah’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sania Eydatoulah’s work phone number?
Sania Eydatoulah’s headquarters phone number is +27 112697600
Which industry does Sania Eydatoulah work in?
Sania Eydatoulah works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Sania Eydatoulah’s peers at other companies?
Sania Eydatoulah’s peers at other companies are Mary Hagedorn, Shubhangi Zite, Jatin Batra, Gwendolyn Toczko, Alexander Cohn.
Who are Sania Eydatoulah’s colleagues?
Some of Sania Eydatoulah’s colleagues are Fay Sameuls, Sanette Corbett, Craig Saven, Stacey Lo Yee.
How can I contact Sania Eydatoulah?
Sania Eydatoulah contact details: Email address: s***@ensafrica.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Sania Eydatoulah?

Sania Eydatoulah is an Associate at ENSafrica based in Sandton.... Read More

Where is Sania Eydatoulah based?
Sania Eydatoulah works for ENSafrica, located at South Africa
See more information about Sania Eydatoulah

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