Sandra Moreau

Grade Teacher at Our Lady of Lourdes School

Sandra Moreau Email & Phone number

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Sandra Moreau Current Workplace



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Sandra Moreau Work Experience Summary

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About Sandra Moreau

Sandra Moreau is a Grade Teacher at Our Lady of Lourdes School based in Taunton, Massachusetts. Sandra received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Fisher College and a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Teaching from Bridgewater State College.Explore more

Sandra Moreau Current Workplace

Our Lady of Lourdes School

2001-present (23 years)

Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen but ever present teacher in its classrooms. He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students. Our Lady of Lourdes School answers Jesus call to love and serve others and is committed to achieving academic excellence, enriched with Catholic values. Our Lady of Lourdes School is a Catholic School serving students in Pre- Kindergarten through Grade Eight, which recognizes the dignity and individuality of each child. We believe we offer a quality educational program of instruction, which forms the beliefs, values and traditions of Catholic Christianity. We believe that our school is an extension of a good Christian home, and that we share with the family in the upbringing of each child. The home is where a good Christian education must first begin. The school is an effective vehicle toward the formation of adults who will benefit our society as a whole. In our school, we are guided by the Holy Spirit in providing for tSee more

Sandra Moreau Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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Bachelor of Arts - Early Childhood Education and Teaching

Fisher College

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Teaching

Bridgewater State College

Org Chart - Our Lady of Lourdes School


Grade Teacher




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sandra Moreau

What company does Sandra Moreau work for?
Sandra Moreau works for Our Lady of Lourdes School as Grade Teacher
What is Sandra Moreau’s role in Our Lady of Lourdes School?
Sandra Moreau’s role in Our Lady of Lourdes School is Grade Teacher
What is Sandra Moreau’s direct phone number?
Sandra Moreau’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sandra Moreau’s work phone number?
Sandra Moreau’s headquarters phone number is (508) 822-3746
What is Sandra Moreau’s latest education?
Sandra Moreau’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - Early Childhood Education and Teaching at Fisher College
Which industry does Sandra Moreau work in?
Sandra Moreau works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Sandra Moreau’s peers at other companies?
Sandra Moreau’s peers at other companies are Matthew Crossman, Deidra Smith, Sarah Klinect, Sierra Keller, Vincent DeCesare.
Who are Sandra Moreau’s colleagues?
Some of Sandra Moreau’s colleagues are Kara Jorge, Michael Cabral, Kathaleen Tutino, Kathy Cohee.
Who is Sandra Moreau?

Sandra Moreau is a Grade Teacher at Our Lady of Lourdes School based in Taunton, Massachusetts. Sandra received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Fisher College and a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Teaching from Bridgewater State College.... Read More

Where is Sandra Moreau based?
Sandra Moreau works for Our Lady of Lourdes School, located at United States
See more information about Sandra Moreau

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