2024-present (2 months)
Sandra Chaparro Email & Phone number
Sandra Chaparro Current Workplace
2011 E Carson St, Carson, California, 90810, United States
Phone Number
(310) 522-5506
Number of Employees
Sandra Chaparro Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
4Number of job titles
4About Sandra Chaparro
Sandra Chaparro is a Manager, Human Resources at Ability Tri-Modal based in Carson, California.
Previously, Sandra was a Supervisor, Human Resources at Premier Infusion Care and also held positions at JCPenney.
Sandra Chaparro Current Workplace
Ability Tri-Modal
Ability Tri-Modal Transportation Services specializes in in trans-loading, consolidation and de-consolidation, warehousing, retail delivery, and a variety of value-added services. With operations in Carson, California and Ladson, South Carolina, Ability Tri-Modal is a proven, award-winning transportation company that is rooted in its devotion to superior customer service. The company continuously meets and exceeds expectations through highly versatile customer solutions, operational excellence, and results-driven attitude. Ability Tri-Modal's motto, "Service Above Self" fuels the passion, innovation, and mission to execute measurable benefits to the customer.
Sandra Chaparro Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sandra Chaparro
Sandra Chaparro is a Manager, Human Resources at Ability Tri-Modal based in Carson, California. Previously, Sandra was a Supervisor, Human Resources at Premier Infusion Care and also held positions at JCPenney....