Samuel Richard

Associate at Hurwitz Richard & Sencabaugh

Samuel Richard Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Samuel Richard Current Workplace


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Samuel Richard Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Samuel Richard

Samuel Richard is an Associate at Hurwitz Richard & Sencabaugh, where he is responsible for providing legal counsel and support. Prior to his current role, he served as an Attorney & Advisor at the Social Security Resource Center. Richard holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Tulane University.Explore more

Samuel Richard Current Workplace

Hurwitz Richard & Sencabaugh

2022-present (3 years)

HURWITZ, RICHARD & SENCABAUGH LLP, formerly known as Wayne, Richard & Hurwitz LLP, is a results oriented law firm committed to providing the highest quality professional service to our clients. Our philosophy is to provide prompt, personal and practical service in a cost effective manner. Personal service is the cornerstone of our business. Each client is unique, with different needs and goals. We establish personal relationships with our clients and learn as much as we can about their businesses and needs. Familiarity with our clients enables us to provide the best possible advice and to seek results that advance the clients overall interests. Whether a business or personal matter, we believe the focus must always be on what is the best result for the client creative options delivered in a cost effective manner.

Samuel Richard Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Attorney & Advisor

Social Security Resource Center


Student Prosecutor

Plymouth County


Research Assistant

Professor R. Michael Cassidy




Bachelor of Arts - Political Science and History

Tulane University

Doctor of Jurisprudence

Boston College Law School

Org Chart - Hurwitz Richard & Sencabaugh






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Samuel Richard

What company does Samuel Richard work for?
Samuel Richard works for Hurwitz Richard & Sencabaugh as Associate
What is Samuel Richard’s role in Hurwitz Richard & Sencabaugh?
Samuel Richard’s role in Hurwitz Richard & Sencabaugh is Associate
What is Samuel Richard’s direct phone number?
Samuel Richard’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Samuel Richard’s work phone number?
Samuel Richard’s headquarters phone number is (617) 720-7870
What is Samuel Richard’s latest job experience?
Samuel Richard’s latest job experience is Attorney & Advisor at Social Security Resource Center
What is Samuel Richard’s latest education?
Samuel Richard’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - Political Science and History at Tulane University
Which industry does Samuel Richard work in?
Samuel Richard works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Samuel Richard’s peers at other companies?
Samuel Richard’s peers at other companies are Mary Hagedorn, Shubhangi Zite, Sania Eydatoulah, Gwendolyn Toczko, Alexander Cohn.
Who are Samuel Richard’s colleagues?
Some of Samuel Richard’s colleagues are Daniel Sencabaugh, Michelle Fiore, Eugene Richard, Nancy Roos.
Who is Samuel Richard?

Samuel Richard is an Associate at Hurwitz Richard & Sencabaugh, where he is responsible for providing legal counsel and support. Prior to his current role, he served as an Attorney & Advisor at the Social Security Resource Center. Richard holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Tulane University.... Read More

Where is Samuel Richard based?
Samuel Richard works for Hurwitz Richard & Sencabaugh, located at United States
See more information about Samuel Richard

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