Samuel Ausen

President at Globe University

Samuel Ausen Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Samuel Ausen

Sam Ausen is the President at Globe University, based in Star Prairie Town, Wisconsin, United States. He is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and day-to-day operations of the university.Explore more

Samuel Ausen Current Workplace

Globe University

2018-present (7 years)

The primary mission of Globe University & Minnesota School of Business is to provide career-focused higher education to our students, and weve been doing just that for more than 130 years. We focus on hiring experienced, talented instructors and building strong relationships with local businesses and communities. Couple this with facilities and curricula that meet the needs of employers and students make our graduates stand out. Weve been serving students from the Twin Cities area, greater Minnesota and neighboring states for over a century. Globe University & Minnesota School of Business, now operating cooperatively as part of the Globe Education Network, have become recognized and respected Midwest education providers in the fields of accounting and business, legal sciences, technology, health sciences and drafting and design. Our focus is and always has been on providing practical, relevant education that prepares our graduates for employment opportunities. We want to make it easy fSee more

Org Chart - Globe University






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Samuel Ausen

What company does Samuel Ausen work for?
Samuel Ausen works for Globe University as President
What is Samuel Ausen’s role in Globe University?
Samuel Ausen’s role in Globe University is President
What is Samuel Ausen’s direct phone number?
Samuel Ausen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Samuel Ausen’s work phone number?
Samuel Ausen’s headquarters phone number is (605) 977-0705
Which industry does Samuel Ausen work in?
Samuel Ausen works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Samuel Ausen’s peers at other companies?
Samuel Ausen’s peers at other companies are Susan McBride, Beth Brainard, William Heineman, Falecia Williams, Cheryl Bull.
Who are Samuel Ausen’s colleagues?
Some of Samuel Ausen’s colleagues are Kresha Tracy, Reid Perry, Terri Kankelfitz, Kevin Rialson.
Who is Samuel Ausen?

Sam Ausen is the President at Globe University, based in Star Prairie Town, Wisconsin, United States. He is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and day-to-day operations of the university.... Read More

Where is Samuel Ausen based?
Samuel Ausen works for Globe University, located at United States
Who is Globe University’s President?
Globe University's President is Samuel Ausen
See more information about Samuel Ausen

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