Samikshya Sharma

Junior Assistant at Pokhara Finance

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About Samikshya Sharma

Samikshya Sharma works as a Junior Assistant at Pokhara Finance, which is a Banking company with an estimated 27 employees. Their management level is Non-Manager. Samikshya is currently based in Pokhara, Western Region. Found email listings include: s***@pokharafinance.com.np.Explore more

Samikshya Sharma Current Workplace

Pokhara Finance

2024-present (1 year)

Currently, the company has an Authorized Capital of NPR 940 million, Issued Capital of NPR 754.16 million and Paid Up Capital of NPR 655.79 million. Its head office is situated at Newroad, Pokhara Lekhnath-9, Kaski . The company has an ownership of 51% with 49% shares owned by the general public. The company is amongst the oldest finance companies currently operating in Nepal. The prime objective of this company is to render banking services to the different sectors like industries, traders, businessmen, priority sector, small entrepreneurs, deprived section of the society and every other people who need banking services. During the period of 21 years of its operation, it has accommodated a large number of clients and has been able to provide excellent services to its customers. We always protect the rights of our shareholders and help people to uplift their economic condition. Objective

Org Chart - Pokhara Finance


Junior Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Samikshya Sharma

What company does Samikshya Sharma work for?
Samikshya Sharma works for Pokhara Finance as Junior Assistant
What is Samikshya Sharma’s role in Pokhara Finance?
Samikshya Sharma’s role in Pokhara Finance is Junior Assistant
What is Samikshya Sharma’s direct phone number?
Samikshya Sharma’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Samikshya Sharma’s work phone number?
Samikshya Sharma’s headquarters phone number is +977 61531145
Which industry does Samikshya Sharma work in?
Samikshya Sharma works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Samikshya Sharma’s peers at other companies?
Samikshya Sharma’s peers at other companies are Jafar Shaji, Avnish Teotia, Yaminn Thant, Roshan Maharjan, Rukesh Khadgi.
Who are Samikshya Sharma’s colleagues?
Some of Samikshya Sharma’s colleagues are Rajee Adhikari, Chandani Thakur, Atit Shrestha, Bhim Dhakal.
Where is Samikshya Sharma based?
Samikshya Sharma works for Pokhara Finance, located at Nepal
See more information about Samikshya Sharma

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