Sami Said

Producer at Idioms Film

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(***) ***-****

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Sami Said Work Experience Summary

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About Sami Said

Sami Said works as a Producer at Idioms Film, which is a Broadcasting company with an estimated 17 employees. Sami graduated from their alma mater, Al-Quds University in 2003. Found email listings include: @idiomsfilm.com.Explore more

Sami Said Current Workplace

Idioms Film

2004-present (21 years)

Idioms film was established in Ramallah in 2004 with the purpose of developing the cinematic capacity of independent film production, by improving accessibility to production facilities, international film markets, and financing. Beside our interest in Film production, we offer Audio-Visual content production for local and international bodies including with services such as Line production, video documentation, editing, printout, translation and subtitling, audio recording and sound design, video graphics and photography. Our recent titles include "Suspended Time", a program of 9 short films marking the 20 years of the signing the Oslo Agreement; "Infiltrators" by Khaled Jarrar; "Pink Bullet" by Ramzi Hazboun, and "No Exit" by Mohanad Yaqubi. Some of our previous productions include shorts and feature films, including "The Shooter" by Ihab Jadallah (2007), "EXIT" by Mohanad Yaqubi (2009), "Chicken Heads" by Bassam Jarbawi (2009), "Though I Know the River is Dry" by Omar Hamilton (2012See more

Sami Said Work Experience & Education

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Number of job titles



Bachelor of Arts - BA, Media

Al-Quds University

Org Chart - Idioms Film






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sami Said

What company does Sami Said work for?
Sami Said works for Idioms Film as Producer
What is Sami Said’s role in Idioms Film?
Sami Said’s role in Idioms Film is Producer
What is Sami Said’s email address?
Sami Said’s email address is s***@idiomsfilm.com
What is Sami Said’s business email address?
Sami Said’s business email address is s***@idiomsfilm.com
What is Sami Said’s direct phone number?
Sami Said’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sami Said’s work phone number?
Sami Said’s headquarters phone number is +970 22976157
What is Sami Said’s latest education?
Sami Said’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - BA, Media at Al-Quds University
Which industry does Sami Said work in?
Sami Said works in the industry of Broadcasting, Media & Internet.
Who are Sami Said’s peers at other companies?
Sami Said’s peers at other companies are Mary Hood, Caroline Goujard, Rita Hayes-Smith, Jenn Rourke, Kevin Robertson.
Who are Sami Said’s colleagues?
Some of Sami Said’s colleagues are Mohanad Yaqubi.
How can I contact Sami Said?
Sami Said contact details: Email address: s***@idiomsfilm.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Sami Said based?
Sami Said works for Idioms Film, located at United States
See more information about Sami Said

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