
Samantha Burd

Owner at Lady Burd

Samantha Burd Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Samantha Burd Current Workplace


Lady Burd



Number of Employees

Samantha Burd Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Samantha Burd

Samantha Burd is an Owner at Lady Burd based in Farmingdale, New York. Previously, Samantha was a Senior Consultant, Supply Chain and Network Optimization at Deloitte and also held positions at Bloomingdale's, NYLUX events, Emogi, Abercrombie & Fitch, Doug Levine, Victoria's Secret, Hollister.Explore more

Samantha Burd Current Workplace

Lady Burd

2024-present (11 months)

For over 55 years, Lady Burd® has been creating beautiful, highly profitable cosmetics for companies around the world. A private label manufacturer based on Long Island, New York, with showrooms across the U.S., Lady Burd® is committed to excellence. The partnerships we form with our vast array of unique clients are very important to us. Our goal is to forge a bond that benefits both parties. Our Long Island headquarters provides the ultimate in total diversity. Beginning with our on-site high-tech laboratory, through manufacturing, warehousing and shipping facilities, we can successfully create unique products for every market. Lady Burd® manufactures the finest quality products available in the cosmetic marketplace today. As a private label manufacturer, we have the ability to help you create your own image. Our staff will work with you in selecting color, choosing formulas and finding the right packaging. We can help you successfully market our cosmetics in many different ways.

Samantha Burd Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Consultant, Supply Chain and Network Optimization



Consultant, Supply Chain and Network Optimization






Development Program Executive



Org Chart - Lady Burd






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Samantha Burd

What company does Samantha Burd work for?
Samantha Burd works for Lady Burd as Owner
What is Samantha Burd’s role in Lady Burd?
Samantha Burd’s role in Lady Burd is Owner
What is Samantha Burd’s email address?
Samantha Burd’s email address is s***@ladyburd.com
What is Samantha Burd’s business email address?
Samantha Burd’s business email address is s***@ladyburd.com
What is Samantha Burd’s direct phone number?
Samantha Burd’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Samantha Burd’s work phone number?
Samantha Burd’s headquarters phone number is (631) 454-0444
What is Samantha Burd’s latest job experience?
Samantha Burd’s latest job experience is Senior Consultant, Supply Chain and Network Optimization at Deloitte
Which industry does Samantha Burd work in?
Samantha Burd works in the industry of Hair Salons, Consumer Services.
Who are Samantha Burd’s peers at other companies?
Samantha Burd’s peers at other companies are Sofia Gambale, Jamee Yocum, Mikayla Nicholson, Paul Abbott, Shelly Bloom.
Who are Samantha Burd’s colleagues?
Some of Samantha Burd’s colleagues are Angela Deflorio, Beisly Turcios, Veronica Macina, Marie Depas.
How can I contact Samantha Burd?
Samantha Burd contact details: Email address: s***@ladyburd.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Samantha Burd?

Samantha Burd is an Owner at Lady Burd based in Farmingdale, New York. Previously, Samantha was a Senior Consultant, Supply Chain and Network Optimization at Deloitte and also held positions at Bloomingdale's, NYLUX events, Emogi, Abercrombie & Fitch, Doug Levine, Victoria's Secret, Hollister.... Read More

Where is Samantha Burd based?
Samantha Burd works for Lady Burd, located at United States
Who is Lady Burd’s Owner?
Lady Burd's Owner is Samantha Burd
See more information about Samantha Burd

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