
Samantha Berglin

Executive Manager, Quality & Safeguarding at Good Sammy Enterprises

Samantha Berglin Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Samantha Berglin Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Samantha Berglin Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Samantha Berglin

Samantha Berglin is an Executive Manager, Quality & Safeguarding at Good Sammy Enterprises based in Canning Vale, Western Australia. Previously, Samantha was a Senior Manager, Customer & Quality at Therapy Focus and also held positions at Queensland Government, James Cook University Australia, Cootharinga. Samantha received a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy degree from James Cook University and a Master of Business Administration from AIM Education & Training.Explore more

Samantha Berglin Current Workplace

Good Sammy Enterprises

2024-present (11 months)

In 1958, the Reverend Ralph Sutton, a young and energetic leader from the Western Australian Wesley Mission, now part of UnitingCare was approached by Bernice Moorhouse, a young woman with a hearing impairment who wanted to find meaningful employment. Her request struck a chord with Reverend Sutton, and he asked members of his parish to donate items of clothing, which were sorted, laundered and mended by Bernice in a small room at the rear of Wesley Mission, and then sold at a small price. This was the beginning of Good Sammy Enterprises. "When a dream meets a need, nothing can stop its realisation. Good Sammy Enterprises is the realisation of a dream that has been so rapidly and splendidly fulfilled because as soon as it had begun it 'rang a bell' in the hearts of thousands." - Reverend Ralph Sutton From these humble beginnings,Good Sammy Enterprises now offers a much wider choice of employment and training opportunities to people with disabilities in Western Australia, and has helpedSee more

Samantha Berglin Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Business Transitions

Therapy Focus


Project Manager, Individualised Services

Therapy Focus


Team Lead

Therapy Focus


Occupational Therapist

Therapy Focus




Bachelor of Occupational Therapy - Occupational TherapyTherapist

James Cook University

Master of Business Administration

AIM Education & Training

Org Chart - Good Sammy Enterprises


Executive Manager, Quality & Safegu...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Samantha Berglin

What company does Samantha Berglin work for?
Samantha Berglin works for Good Sammy Enterprises as Executive Manager, Quality & Safeguarding
What is Samantha Berglin’s role in Good Sammy Enterprises?
Samantha Berglin’s role in Good Sammy Enterprises is Executive Manager, Quality & Safeguarding
What is Samantha Berglin’s email address?
Samantha Berglin’s email address is s***@goodsammy.com.au
What is Samantha Berglin’s business email address?
Samantha Berglin’s business email address is s***@goodsammy.com.au
What is Samantha Berglin’s direct phone number?
Samantha Berglin’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Samantha Berglin’s work phone number?
Samantha Berglin’s headquarters phone number is +61 894630500
What is Samantha Berglin’s latest job experience?
Samantha Berglin’s latest job experience is Manager, Business Transitions at Therapy Focus
What is Samantha Berglin’s latest education?
Samantha Berglin’s latest education in Bachelor of Occupational Therapy - Occupational TherapyTherapist at James Cook University
Which industry does Samantha Berglin work in?
Samantha Berglin works in the industry of Training, Education.
Who are Samantha Berglin’s colleagues?
Some of Samantha Berglin’s colleagues are Jennifer Erceg, Caroline Vincent, Rain Leung, Julie Bailey.
How can I contact Samantha Berglin?
Samantha Berglin contact details: Email address: s***@goodsammy.com.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Samantha Berglin?

Samantha Berglin is an Executive Manager, Quality & Safeguarding at Good Sammy Enterprises based in Canning Vale, Western Australia. Previously, Samantha was a Senior Manager, Customer & Quality at Therapy Focus and also held positions at Queensland Government, James Cook University Australia, Cootharinga. Samantha received a Bachelor of Occupati... onal Therapy degree from James Cook University and a Master of Business Administration from AIM Education & Training.Read More

Where is Samantha Berglin based?
Samantha Berglin works for Good Sammy Enterprises, located at Australia
See more information about Samantha Berglin

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