
Samah Salah

Buyer & Specialist at SinoTharwa Drilling

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About Samah Salah

Samah Salah is a Buyer & Specialist at SinoTharwa Drilling based in Cairo, Cairo.Explore more

Samah Salah Current Workplace

SinoTharwa Drilling

2012-present (13 years)

SinoTharwa is a limited liability company established under the Egyptian investment authority's approved decree on November 11th, 2005. A free zone company, subject to investment law No. 8 for the year of 1997, started with US$ 18 million capital that were equally shared between both concerned parties. In 2007, the company's capital had been raised to US$ 40 million and the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (E-gas) entered into the joint venture then by the end of 2008, it reached US$ 80 million and currently our investment is 586 million USD. We had successfully occupied one of the forefront market positions having 14 % of the Egyptian market. SinoTharwa is essentially a service company, providing support to oil & gas exploration companies. We are able to provide a range of different capacities of drilling and work over oil & gas rigs. We operate from a 60,000 square meter yard in Badr city, which is located 35 km from the company's main building in Cairo, where we have our main waSee more

Org Chart - SinoTharwa Drilling


Buyer & Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Samah Salah

What company does Samah Salah work for?
Samah Salah works for SinoTharwa Drilling as Buyer & Specialist
What is Samah Salah’s role in SinoTharwa Drilling?
Samah Salah’s role in SinoTharwa Drilling is Buyer & Specialist
What is Samah Salah’s email address?
Samah Salah’s email address is s***@sinotharwa.com.eg
What is Samah Salah’s business email address?
Samah Salah’s business email address is s***@sinotharwa.com.eg
What is Samah Salah’s direct phone number?
Samah Salah’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Samah Salah’s work phone number?
Samah Salah’s headquarters phone number is +20 225197226
Which industry does Samah Salah work in?
Samah Salah works in the industry of Electricity, Oil & Gas, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Samah Salah’s peers at other companies?
Samah Salah’s peers at other companies are Ali Al-Mosawi, Sandip Deshpande, Rakeshkumar Chavda, Raghvendra Saxena, Judith Chan.
Who are Samah Salah’s colleagues?
Some of Samah Salah’s colleagues are Alaa Mahmoud, Ramadan Sayed, Karim Lashen, Walid Khamis.
How can I contact Samah Salah?
Samah Salah contact details: Email address: s***@sinotharwa.com.eg Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Samah Salah?

Samah Salah is a Buyer & Specialist at SinoTharwa Drilling based in Cairo, Cairo.... Read More

Where is Samah Salah based?
Samah Salah works for SinoTharwa Drilling, located at Egypt
See more information about Samah Salah

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