
Sam Cook

President at Superior Van & Mobility

Sam Cook Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(502) ***-****

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Sam Cook Work Experience Summary

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About Sam Cook

Sam Cook is the President of Superior Van & Mobility, a leading provider of mobility solutions. Based in Louisville, United States, he is responsible for overseeing the company's operations and strategic direction. Prior to his current role, Sam held a position at To Your Success. He holds a degree from Doss High School, where he honed his leadership skills and passion for the industry.Explore more

Sam Cook Current Workplace

Superior Van & Mobility

2004-present (21 years)

Superior Van & Mobility provides wheelchair accessible vehicles, mobility seating options, hand controls, Scooter and Wheelchair Lifts, and a variety of other driving aids, all of which meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). Each location helps and supports local community groups on disability awareness issues. Superior Van & Mobility now has thirteen sales and service centers throughout Indiana, Kentucky, Eastern Tennessee, Louisiana, Nebraska, Alabama and Florida.

Sam Cook Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience




Doss High School

Org Chart - Superior Van & Mobility






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sam Cook

What company does Sam Cook work for?
Sam Cook works for Superior Van & Mobility as President
What is Sam Cook’s role in Superior Van & Mobility?
Sam Cook’s role in Superior Van & Mobility is President
What is Sam Cook’s email address?
Sam Cook’s email address is s***@superiorvan.com
What is Sam Cook’s business email address?
Sam Cook’s business email address is s***@superiorvan.com
What is Sam Cook’s direct phone number?
Sam Cook’s direct phone number is (502) ***-****
What is Sam Cook’s work phone number?
Sam Cook’s headquarters phone number is (502) 447-8267
What is Sam Cook’s latest education?
Sam Cook’s latest education in President at Doss High School
Which industry does Sam Cook work in?
Sam Cook works in the industry of Automotive Service & Collision Repair, Consumer Services.
Who are Sam Cook’s peers at other companies?
Sam Cook’s peers at other companies are Benson Cao, Charles Navarro, Cj Paterniti, Jim Gabrish, Louis Butenschoen.
Who are Sam Cook’s colleagues?
Some of Sam Cook’s colleagues are Pamela Willen, Charles Henthorn, Coy Lightfoot, Annette Gaboury.
How can I contact Sam Cook?
Sam Cook contact details: Email address: s***@superiorvan.com Phone number: (502) ***-****
Who is Sam Cook?

Sam Cook is the President of Superior Van & Mobility, a leading provider of mobility solutions. Based in Louisville, United States, he is responsible for overseeing the company's operations and strategic direction. Prior to his current role, Sam held a position at To Your Success. He holds a degree from Doss High School, where he honed his leadersh... ip skills and passion for the industry.Read More

Where is Sam Cook based?
Sam Cook works for Superior Van & Mobility, located at United States
Who is Superior Van & Mobility’s President?
Superior Van & Mobility's President is Sam Cook
See more information about Sam Cook

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