Salomey Benyi

Learner Guide at Camfed

Salomey Benyi Email & Phone number

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Salomey Benyi Work Experience Summary

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About Salomey Benyi

Salomey Benyi is a Learner Guide at Camfed based in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire.Explore more

Salomey Benyi Current Workplace


2024-present (9 months)

CAMFED was founded in 1993 by Ann Cotton OBE. It began in Zimbabwe with financial support to a group of 32 girls. By 2021, support had been extended to more than 4.8 million children through a network of partner schools in Zimbabwe, Ghana, Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia. CAMFED as an organization has literally 'grown up' with the first cohorts of girls who received support. They are united in the CAMFED Association, the network of women leaders educated with CAMFED support, founded in 1998. Together, they have inspired a new wave of support for girls' education in their communities. Through the CAMFED Association, women are leading action on the big challenges their countries face - from child marriage, and girls' exclusion from education, to climate change. This unique pan-African network of teachers, nurses, doctors, sustainable agriculture experts and entrepreneurs now numbers 178,000, and is growing every year as more girls complete school and join them. They in turn provide the pipelSee more

Salomey Benyi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations


Cervical Cancer Awareness And Management Program


Org Chart - Camfed


Learner Guide




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Salomey Benyi

What company does Salomey Benyi work for?
Salomey Benyi works for Camfed as Learner Guide
What is Salomey Benyi’s role in Camfed?
Salomey Benyi’s role in Camfed is Learner Guide
What is Salomey Benyi’s direct phone number?
Salomey Benyi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Salomey Benyi’s work phone number?
Salomey Benyi’s headquarters phone number is +44 1223362648
Which industry does Salomey Benyi work in?
Salomey Benyi works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Salomey Benyi’s peers at other companies?
Salomey Benyi’s peers at other companies are Fouzia Issahak, Najat Amarh, Agolisu Jennifer, Jennifer Atujona, Wahida Alhassan.
Who are Salomey Benyi’s colleagues?
Some of Salomey Benyi’s colleagues are Linda Bhebhe, Leah Kandaya, Thelma Kalikokha, Lisa Kandanda.
Who is Salomey Benyi?

Salomey Benyi is a Learner Guide at Camfed based in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire.... Read More

Where is Salomey Benyi based?
Salomey Benyi works for Camfed, located at United Kingdom
See more information about Salomey Benyi

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