Sally MelbyA

Sally Melby

Owner and President at APPS Paramedical

Sally Melby Email & Phone number

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(503) ***-****

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About Sally Melby

Sally Melby is the Owner and President at APPS Paramedical based in Westerville, Ohio.Explore more

Sally Melby Current Workplace

APPS Paramedical

2013-present (11 years)

Known for unparalleled professionalism, reliability and responsiveness, APPS has been a leader in the paramedical industry for 40 plus years and always strives to exceed our customer's expectations! By delivering the highest caliber, personalized and advanced services to meet your paramedical needs. The Columbus office of APPS, was opened in 1989 by Regional Director Marty Luxeder. Since then it has grown to an organization with over 50 paramedical and medical examiners and a fulltime staff of customer service representatives. APPS performs exams for some of the largest and most widely recognized life, health, and disability insurance companies in the world. APPS Paramedical Columbus, Ohio

Org Chart - APPS Paramedical

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Owner and President





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sally Melby

What company does Sally Melby work for?
Sally Melby works for APPS Paramedical as Owner and President
What is Sally Melby’s role in APPS Paramedical?
Sally Melby’s role in APPS Paramedical is Owner and President
What is Sally Melby’s email address?
Sally Melby’s email address is s***
What is Sally Melby’s business email address?
Sally Melby’s business email address is s***
What is Sally Melby’s direct phone number?
Sally Melby’s direct phone number is (503) ***-****
What is Sally Melby’s work phone number?
Sally Melby’s headquarters phone number is (614) 839-2777
Which industry does Sally Melby work in?
Sally Melby works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Sally Melby’s peers at other companies?
Sally Melby’s peers at other companies are Damian Brown, Ron Ownbey, Bradley Yendell, Monica Corrente, Brent Robinson.
Who are Sally Melby’s colleagues?
Some of Sally Melby’s colleagues are Sarah Ankerstjerne, Jodie Bowman, Pamela Winkel, Angela Branch.
How can I contact Sally Melby?
Sally Melby contact details: Email address: s*** Phone number: (503) ***-****
Who is Sally Melby?

Sally Melby is the Owner and President at APPS Paramedical based in Westerville, Ohio.... Read More

Where is Sally Melby based?
Sally Melby works for APPS Paramedical, located at United States
Who is APPS Paramedical’s Owner and President?
APPS Paramedical's Owner and President is Sally Melby
See more information about Sally Melby

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