Sal Falcon

Vice President, Corporate Accounts at Ecolab

Sal Falcon Email & Phone number


(626) ***-****

Sal Falcon Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Sal Falcon

Sal Falcon is a Vice President, Corporate Accounts at Ecolab based in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Sal Falcon Current Workplace


2016-present (9 years)

Ecolab is a global sustainability leader offering water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions and services that protect people and the resources vital to life.

Org Chart - Ecolab

Sal Falcon

Vice President, Corporate Accounts

Recent News About Sal Falcon

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    Salvador Falcon

    Sal Falcon is Vice President of Corporate Accounts for Ecolab Inc. , a Fortune 500 company that provides cleaning, food safety and health protection p...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sal Falcon

What company does Sal Falcon work for?
Sal Falcon works for Ecolab as Vice President, Corporate Accounts
What is Sal Falcon’s role in Ecolab?
Sal Falcon’s role in Ecolab is Vice President, Corporate Accounts
What is Sal Falcon’s email address?
Sal Falcon’s email address is s***@ecolab.com
What is Sal Falcon’s business email address?
Sal Falcon’s business email address is s***@ecolab.com
What is Sal Falcon’s direct phone number?
Sal Falcon’s direct phone number is (626) ***-****
What is Sal Falcon’s work phone number?
Sal Falcon’s headquarters phone number is (800) 232-6522
Which industry does Sal Falcon work in?
Sal Falcon works in the industry of Cleaning Products, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Sal Falcon’s peers at other companies?
Sal Falcon’s peers at other companies are Kevin Desch, Charles Holland, Keith Herod, Leslie Savage, Mike Motta.
Who are Sal Falcon’s colleagues?
Some of Sal Falcon’s colleagues are Andrew Moss-Solomon, Deise John, Waskowski Walter, Laquionn Wallace.
How can I contact Sal Falcon?
Sal Falcon contact details: Email address: s***@ecolab.com Phone number: (626) ***-****
Who is Sal Falcon?

Sal Falcon is a Vice President, Corporate Accounts at Ecolab based in Saint Paul, Minnesota....

Where is Sal Falcon based?
Sal Falcon works for Ecolab, located at United States