Saili Ghatge

Processing Officer at SMFG India Credit

Saili Ghatge Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Saili Ghatge Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Saili Ghatge Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Saili Ghatge

Saili Ghatge works as a Processing Officer at SMFG India Credit, which is a Banking company with an estimated 15 employees. Saili is currently based in Akola, Maharashtra. They used to work at Paresh Vora & Associates, Mumbai and Jain Dedhia & Associates, Mumbai. Found email listings include: @smfgindiacredit.com.Explore more

Saili Ghatge Current Workplace

SMFG India Credit

2023-present (2 years)

SMFG India Credit Co. Ltd. (Formerly Fullerton India Credit Co. Ltd.) brings age old trust in a brand new avatar! To empower our customers and build a bond of trust has always been our goal. On the journey towards fulfilling this goal we became a leading NBFC in India. Making it all possible was the combined effort from a solid team of 16,500+ employees over 729 branches. We have empowered more than 3.2 million customers from 600+ towns & 60,000+ villages, spread across India. With our new identity, our core values and services remain unchanged. Our primary services constitute financing of SME for working capital and growth, personal loans, loans for commercial vehicles and two-wheelers, home improvement loans, loans against property, working capital loans for urban self-employed, loans for rural livelihood advancement, rural housing finance and financing of various rural micro-enterprises.

Saili Ghatge Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Junior Tax Assistant

Paresh Vora & Associates, Mumbai


Tax Assistant

Jain Dedhia & Associates, Mumbai


Org Chart - SMFG India Credit


Processing Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Saili Ghatge

What company does Saili Ghatge work for?
Saili Ghatge works for SMFG India Credit as Processing Officer
What is Saili Ghatge’s role in SMFG India Credit?
Saili Ghatge’s role in SMFG India Credit is Processing Officer
What is Saili Ghatge’s email address?
Saili Ghatge’s email address is s***@smfgindiacredit.com
What is Saili Ghatge’s business email address?
Saili Ghatge’s business email address is s***@smfgindiacredit.com
What is Saili Ghatge’s direct phone number?
Saili Ghatge’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Saili Ghatge’s work phone number?
Saili Ghatge’s headquarters phone number is +91 18001036001
What is Saili Ghatge’s latest job experience?
Saili Ghatge’s latest job experience is Junior Tax Assistant at Paresh Vora & Associates, Mumbai
Which industry does Saili Ghatge work in?
Saili Ghatge works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Saili Ghatge’s peers at other companies?
Saili Ghatge’s peers at other companies are Marcia Mdluli, Jonathan Pasion, Meredith Curry, Vamsi Regalla, Nurhanani Ishak.
Who are Saili Ghatge’s colleagues?
Some of Saili Ghatge’s colleagues are Ramkishan Malhotra, Ashwini Pandey, Puneet Puri, Prashant Sawant.
How can I contact Saili Ghatge?
Saili Ghatge contact details: Email address: s***@smfgindiacredit.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Saili Ghatge based?
Saili Ghatge works for SMFG India Credit, located at United States
See more information about Saili Ghatge

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