Sadie Rivas

Dental Assistant at Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry

Sadie Rivas Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Sadie Rivas Current Workplace



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About Sadie Rivas

Sadie Rivas is a Dental Assistant at Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry based in Foothill Ranch, California.

Sadie Rivas Current Workplace

Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry

2020-present (5 years)

Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, located in Foothill Ranch, offers a caring and uplifting dental experience for patients and their families in South Orange County. Dr. Nasem and her team focus on providing a fun and friendly atmosphere for children, ensuring high-quality care and lifelong dental wellness. Services include preventive care, restorative care, sedation dentistry, orthodontics, frenectomies, dental emergencies, and special needs care. The company is involved in community outreach, supporting underprivileged families in need of pediatric dental care in Orange County.

Org Chart - Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry

Sadie Rivas

Dental Assistant

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sadie Rivas

What company does Sadie Rivas work for?
Sadie Rivas works for Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry as Dental Assistant
What is Sadie Rivas’s role in Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry?
Sadie Rivas’s role in Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry is Dental Assistant
What is Sadie Rivas’s direct phone number?
Sadie Rivas’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sadie Rivas’s work phone number?
Sadie Rivas’s headquarters phone number is (949) 668-0686
Which industry does Sadie Rivas work in?
Sadie Rivas works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Sadie Rivas’s peers at other companies?
Sadie Rivas’s peers at other companies are Courtney Senft, Daniel Faigel, Manon Léonard, Krystal Miranda, Jacinta Jester.
Who are Sadie Rivas’s colleagues?
Some of Sadie Rivas’s colleagues are Kelly Mccaslin, Kirsten Simmons, Jennifer Levreault, Shayna Mattox.
Who is Sadie Rivas?

Sadie Rivas is a Dental Assistant at Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry based in Foothill Ranch, California....

Where is Sadie Rivas based?
Sadie Rivas works for Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry, located at United States