
Sabreen Taha

Export Manager at Dragon Express

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+20 * ********

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About Sabreen Taha

Sabreen Taha is an Export Manager at Dragon Express based in Cairo, Cairo.Explore more

Sabreen Taha Current Workplace

Dragon Express

2021-present (3 years)

Dragon Express is a full-service logistics services provider established in 2009 headquartered in Maadi, Cairo and branches in Alexandria, Sokhna port, Cairo airport. We work with clients inside Egypt and abroad to support their domestic and international logistics needs with worldwide accreditations from WCA, FIATA and ELFFA via sea, air freight, and customs clearance. We also offer road transport, and warehousing services. At Dragon Express, we proudly stand head and shoulders above our competitors, offering professional logistics services. Our unique combination of experience, service, and technology allows us to provide logistics services that offer a high degree of reliability while remaining cost-effective. In this profile, you will find a summary of the services that we offer, along with examples of prior work for clients similar to your respectful company. I encourage you to review this profile thoroughly, and provide your feedback for co-operation.

Org Chart - Dragon Express


Export Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sabreen Taha

What company does Sabreen Taha work for?
Sabreen Taha works for Dragon Express as Export Manager
What is Sabreen Taha’s role in Dragon Express?
Sabreen Taha’s role in Dragon Express is Export Manager
What is Sabreen Taha’s email address?
Sabreen Taha’s email address is s***@dragonexpress-eg.com
What is Sabreen Taha’s business email address?
Sabreen Taha’s business email address is s***@dragonexpress-eg.com
What is Sabreen Taha’s direct phone number?
Sabreen Taha’s direct phone number is +20 * ********
What is Sabreen Taha’s work phone number?
Sabreen Taha’s headquarters phone number is +20 1140009143
Which industry does Sabreen Taha work in?
Sabreen Taha works in the industry of Transportation General, Transportation.
Who are Sabreen Taha’s peers at other companies?
Sabreen Taha’s peers at other companies are Becky Rodriguez, Ritesh Shitole, Elzette Schutte, Azhar Gill, Cristina Cuellar.
Who are Sabreen Taha’s colleagues?
Some of Sabreen Taha’s colleagues are Hagar Toukhy, Yosra Gad, Hassan Gad, Ahmed Ali.
How can I contact Sabreen Taha?
Sabreen Taha contact details: Email address: s***@dragonexpress-eg.com Phone number: +20 * ********
Who is Sabreen Taha?

Sabreen Taha is an Export Manager at Dragon Express based in Cairo, Cairo.... Read More

Where is Sabreen Taha based?
Sabreen Taha works for Dragon Express, located at Egypt
See more information about Sabreen Taha

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