
Ryota Otake

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(***) ***-****

Ryota Otake Current Workplace





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About Ryota Otake

Ryota Otake works at I-probe, which is a Business Services company with an estimated 12 employees. Found email listings include: @i-probe-inc.com.Explore more

Ryota Otake Current Workplace


2024-present (9 months)

According to a recent Infrastructure Report Card by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), one out of every five miles of highway pavement is in poor condition. The backlog of existing highway maintenace is estimated to be $420 billion or 50% of U.S. highway & bridge capital needs. Current repairs for road infrastructure are often based on costly, time-consuming, and human-intensive surveys. Due to heavy traffic, the manual process of conducting these surveys are often lengthy and difficult which may cause frequent delays. In addition, surveys of road conditions are taken only a few times per year. (Interstate highways: Once/year | Regular Roads: Once every 4-5 years) . Because of the time gap, road operators are unable to get a true assessment of their road infrastructure during the current time period as their existing information is outdated. As a result, road operators must sometimes rely on inaccurate & subjective driver reports for present roadway conditions. i-Probe IncSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ryota Otake

What is Ryota Otake’s email address?
Ryota Otake’s email address is r***@i-probe-inc.com
What is Ryota Otake’s business email address?
Ryota Otake’s business email address is r***@i-probe-inc.com
What is Ryota Otake’s direct phone number?
Ryota Otake’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ryota Otake’s work phone number?
Ryota Otake’s headquarters phone number is (352) 227-0210
Which industry does Ryota Otake work in?
Ryota Otake works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Ryota Otake’s colleagues?
Some of Ryota Otake’s colleagues are Masamichi Watanabe, Daisuke Oshima, March Rocha.
How can I contact Ryota Otake?
Ryota Otake contact details: Email address: r***@i-probe-inc.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Ryota Otake based?
Ryota Otake works for I-probe, located at United States
See more information about Ryota Otake

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