
Ryan Sweeny

Project Accountant at OLIO Development Group

Ryan Sweeny Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Ryan Sweeny Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Ryan Sweeny Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Ryan Sweeny

Ryan Sweeny is a Project Accountant at OLIO Development Group based in Columbus, Ohio. Previously, Ryan was a Staff Accountant, Real Estate Operations at North American Properties and also held positions at Al. Neyer, Phillips Edison & Company, Fifth Third Bank, Kirk's Family of Natural Brands, EY, Fischer Homes, Alpha Kappa Psi, University of Cincinnati, Great American Insurance Group, Kroger. Ryan received a Bachelor of Business Administration - Bachelor of Business Administration degree from University of Cincinnati.

Ryan Sweeny Current Workplace

OLIO Development Group

2024-present (5 months)

At OLIO Development Group, our transparent approach to development creates dependable results for companies who are ready to execute on their growth plan.

Ryan Sweeny Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Staff Accountant, Real Estate Operations

North American Properties


Real Estate Development Co-op

Al. Neyer


Capital Co-op

Al. Neyer


Property Accounting Co-op

Phillips Edison & Company




Bachelor of Business Administration - Bachelor of Business Administration

University of Cincinnati

Org Chart - OLIO Development Group

Ryan Sweeny

Project Accountant

Recent News About Ryan Sweeny

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ryan Sweeny

What company does Ryan Sweeny work for?
Ryan Sweeny works for OLIO Development Group as Project Accountant
What is Ryan Sweeny’s role in OLIO Development Group?
Ryan Sweeny’s role in OLIO Development Group is Project Accountant
What is Ryan Sweeny’s email address?
Ryan Sweeny’s email address is r***@oliodevgrp.com
What is Ryan Sweeny’s business email address?
Ryan Sweeny’s business email address is r***@oliodevgrp.com
What is Ryan Sweeny’s direct phone number?
Ryan Sweeny’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ryan Sweeny’s work phone number?
Ryan Sweeny’s headquarters phone number is (888) 543-5592
What is Ryan Sweeny’s latest job experience?
Ryan Sweeny’s latest job experience is Staff Accountant, Real Estate Operations at North American Properties
What is Ryan Sweeny’s latest education?
Ryan Sweeny’s latest education in Bachelor of Business Administration - Bachelor of Business Administration at University of Cincinnati
Which industry does Ryan Sweeny work in?
Ryan Sweeny works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Ryan Sweeny’s peers at other companies?
Ryan Sweeny’s peers at other companies are Stephen Newton, Cathy Cruz, E. Arce, Dawn Leaman, Fernanda Faria.
Who are Ryan Sweeny’s colleagues?
Some of Ryan Sweeny’s colleagues are Teylor Emch, Matt Salts, Sage Gardner, Tom Gale.
How can I contact Ryan Sweeny?
Ryan Sweeny contact details: Email address: r***@oliodevgrp.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ryan Sweeny?

Ryan Sweeny is a Project Accountant at OLIO Development Group based in Columbus, Ohio. Previously, Ryan was a Staff Accountant, Real Estate Operations at North American Properties and also held positions at Al. Neyer, Phillips Edison & Company, Fifth Third Bank, Kirk's Family of Natural Brands, EY, Fischer Homes, Alpha Kappa Psi, University of Cin... cinnati, Great American Insurance Group, Kroger. Ryan received a Bachelor of Business Administration - Bachelor of Business Administration degree from University of Cincinnati.

Where is Ryan Sweeny based?
Ryan Sweeny works for OLIO Development Group, located at United States