US Elite
2017-present (7 years)
US Elite, Inc. is a solutions company for Healthcare Professionals powered by a network of highly trusted brand names and technologies. With over 100+ team member worldwide, Our network of friendly and knowledgeable associates provide us with highly satisfied customers. Our Clinical, Technology, & Supply Chain solutions help Dental Clinics and Medical Practitioners work more efficiently so they can provide quality care more effectively. Our highly trusted solutions also support Front Line Healthcare Workers all across the USA and beyond. In 2008 US Elite Inc. Proudly started working with Government Institutions in Healthcare and by 2010 US Elite Inc. was actively working to bid on Federal Gov't contracts in Dental/Medical Instruments, hence provided our highly trusted US Elite Brand Dental Instruments to our guardians in the Sky's - US Airforce base in Lackland TX. These Solutions also support Dental & Medical Laboratories, Hospitals, Dental Universities, Healthcare Clinics, and otherSee more