
Roxanne Paans

Legal Consultant at Perch Energy

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(***) ***-****

Roxanne Paans Current Workplace


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Roxanne Paans Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Roxanne Paans

Roxanne Paans is a seasoned legal professional based in Boston, United States. They currently serve as a Legal Consultant at Perch Energy, where they are responsible for overseeing the company's legal affairs and providing strategic counsel.Prior to their role at Perch Energy, Paans held the position of Contracts Director and Corporate Counsel at Replimune. In this capacity, they were in charge of managing the company's contractual obligations and providing legal guidance to the executive team.Paans holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the University of Pretoria/Universiteit van Pretoria. They are an Attorney of the High Court of South Africa and a registered in-house counsel. Paans has been recognized with several prestigious honors, including a Bursary Recipient, Northern Gauteng Provincial Colours for Hockey, Vividus Ladies Nita Sportswoman of the Year, KZN Provincial Colours for Hockey, Hockey Full Colours, and Tennis Half Colours. They have also earned the SAHA Hockey CoachiRead more

Roxanne Paans Current Workplace

Perch Energy

2024-present (2 months)

Perch isn't just a for-profit company, we're a for-purpose companytransforming access to renewable energy and making it more affordable. We help people protect the planet by making cleaner energy options more accessible, more affordable and more equitable for all.

Roxanne Paans Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Contracts Director, Corporate Counsel



Staff Attorney

Syros Pharmaceuticals


Manager, Contracts

Syros Pharmaceuticals




Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

University of Pretoria/Universiteit van Pretoria

Law School

University of Pretoria/Universiteit van Pretoria

Org Chart - Perch Energy


Legal Consultant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Roxanne Paans

What company does Roxanne Paans work for?
Roxanne Paans works for Perch Energy as Legal Consultant
What is Roxanne Paans’s role in Perch Energy?
Roxanne Paans’s role in Perch Energy is Legal Consultant
What is Roxanne Paans’s email address?
Roxanne Paans’s email address is r***@perchenergy.com
What is Roxanne Paans’s business email address?
Roxanne Paans’s business email address is r***@perchenergy.com
What is Roxanne Paans’s direct phone number?
Roxanne Paans’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Roxanne Paans’s latest job experience?
Roxanne Paans’s latest job experience is Contracts Director, Corporate Counsel at Replimune
What is Roxanne Paans’s latest education?
Roxanne Paans’s latest education in Bachelor of Laws (LLB) at University of Pretoria/Universiteit van Pretoria
Which industry does Roxanne Paans work in?
Roxanne Paans works in the industry of Electricity, Oil & Gas, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Roxanne Paans’s peers at other companies?
Roxanne Paans’s peers at other companies are Palak Raichana, Sanjay Suresh, Sneha Ghosh, Safey Dien Hammad, Roqaiah Alhamdan.
Who are Roxanne Paans’s colleagues?
Some of Roxanne Paans’s colleagues are Jeffrey Parlin, Trevor Lennox, Harmanjot Kaur, Alex Hines.
How can I contact Roxanne Paans?
Roxanne Paans contact details: Email address: r***@perchenergy.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Roxanne Paans?

Roxanne Paans is a seasoned legal professional based in Boston, United States. They currently serve as a Legal Consultant at Perch Energy, where they are responsible for overseeing the company's legal affairs and providing strategic counsel.Prior to their role at Perch Energy, Paans held the position of Contracts Director and Corporate Counsel at R... eplimune. In this capacity, they were in charge of managing the company's contractual obligations and providing legal guidance to the executive team.Paans holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the University of Pretoria/Universiteit van Pretoria. They are an Attorney of the High Court of South Africa and a registered in-house counsel. Paans has been recognized with several prestigious honors, including a Bursary Recipient, Northern Gauteng Provincial Colours for Hockey, Vividus Ladies Nita Sportswoman of the Year, KZN Provincial Colours for Hockey, Hockey Full Colours, and Tennis Half Colours. They have also earned the SAHA Hockey Coaching - Level 0 certification, demonstrating their diverse range of skills and expertise.Read More

Where is Roxanne Paans based?
Roxanne Paans works for Perch Energy, located at United States
See more information about Roxanne Paans

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