
Roshni Singh

Senior Product Manager at Kissht

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(***) ***-****

Roshni Singh Current Workplace




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Roshni Singh Work Experience Summary

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About Roshni Singh

Roshni Singh is an experienced Product Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the financial technology industry. They are currently a Senior Product Manager at Kissht, where they are responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of innovative financial solutions.Prior to their current role, Roshni served as a Product Manager at Kissht, where they played a key role in the launch of several successful products. They have a strong track record of driving product strategy, leading cross-functional teams, and delivering measurable business results.Roshni's expertise lies in product management, user experience design, and data-driven decision making. They are passionate about leveraging technology to create solutions that improve people's financial well-being. Outside of their professional pursuits, Roshni enjoys exploring new cuisines and traveling to unique destinations.Explore more

Roshni Singh Current Workplace


2021-present (3 years)

Founded in 2015 and headquartered in Mumbai, India, Kissht is one of its kind digitally-enabled platform with a vision to provide speedy and hassle-free credit financing to its customers across India.

Roshni Singh Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Product Manager



Product Manager

Pentation Analytics


Marketing Intern

network consulting


Org Chart - Kissht


Senior Product Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Roshni Singh

What company does Roshni Singh work for?
Roshni Singh works for Kissht as Senior Product Manager
What is Roshni Singh’s role in Kissht?
Roshni Singh’s role in Kissht is Senior Product Manager
What is Roshni Singh’s email address?
Roshni Singh’s email address is r***@kissht.com
What is Roshni Singh’s business email address?
Roshni Singh’s business email address is r***@kissht.com
What is Roshni Singh’s direct phone number?
Roshni Singh’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Roshni Singh’s work phone number?
Roshni Singh’s headquarters phone number is +91 2248913631
What is Roshni Singh’s latest job experience?
Roshni Singh’s latest job experience is Product Manager at Kissht
Which industry does Roshni Singh work in?
Roshni Singh works in the industry of Credit Cards & Transaction Processing, Finance.
Who are Roshni Singh’s peers at other companies?
Roshni Singh’s peers at other companies are Vanessa Najdovski, Yvette Ricotta, Abishek Sampath, Gold Anthony, Chee Lee.
Who are Roshni Singh’s colleagues?
Some of Roshni Singh’s colleagues are Dileep Sharma, Komal Sheth, Girish Sorte, Shivani Kadam.
How can I contact Roshni Singh?
Roshni Singh contact details: Email address: r***@kissht.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Roshni Singh?

Roshni Singh is an experienced Product Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the financial technology industry. They are currently a Senior Product Manager at Kissht, where they are responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of innovative financial solutions.Prior to their current role, Roshni served as a Product Mana... ger at Kissht, where they played a key role in the launch of several successful products. They have a strong track record of driving product strategy, leading cross-functional teams, and delivering measurable business results.Roshni's expertise lies in product management, user experience design, and data-driven decision making. They are passionate about leveraging technology to create solutions that improve people's financial well-being. Outside of their professional pursuits, Roshni enjoys exploring new cuisines and traveling to unique destinations.Read More

Where is Roshni Singh based?
Roshni Singh works for Kissht, located at India
See more information about Roshni Singh

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