
Rosemary Ferry

Project Manager at Booz Allen Hamilton

Rosemary Ferry Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(703) ***-****

Rosemary Ferry Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Rosemary Ferry Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Rosemary Ferry

Rosemary Ferry is a Project Manager at Booz Allen Hamilton. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Widener University. Rosemary is responsible for overseeing the successful delivery of complex projects, leveraging her expertise in project management to ensure timely and efficient completion of client engagements.Explore more

Rosemary Ferry Current Workplace

Booz Allen Hamilton

2008-present (16 years)

Booz Allen Hamilton provides management and technology consulting, analytics, engineering, digital solutions, mission operations, and cyber services to governments, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations in the United States and internationally. It focuses on artificial intelligence services comprising of machine learning, predictive modeling, automation and decision analytics, and quantum computing. The company offers artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer network related operations. In addition, it provides data science, engineering, visualization, and analysis related capabilities. Further, the company engages in user experience, user interface, graphic and web design, design thinking, sketching, and digital product design capabilities. Additionally, it architects and engineers help accelerate, scale, secure, and transform mission and business outcomes using the technologies and partner offering; offers software engineering in agile practices, DevSecOps, autSee more

Rosemary Ferry Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Science

Widener University

Org Chart - Booz Allen Hamilton


Project Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rosemary Ferry

What company does Rosemary Ferry work for?
Rosemary Ferry works for Booz Allen Hamilton as Project Manager
What is Rosemary Ferry’s role in Booz Allen Hamilton?
Rosemary Ferry’s role in Booz Allen Hamilton is Project Manager
What is Rosemary Ferry’s email address?
Rosemary Ferry’s email address is r***@bah.com
What is Rosemary Ferry’s business email address?
Rosemary Ferry’s business email address is r***@bah.com
What is Rosemary Ferry’s direct phone number?
Rosemary Ferry’s direct phone number is (703) ***-****
What is Rosemary Ferry’s work phone number?
Rosemary Ferry’s headquarters phone number is (703) 902-5000
What is Rosemary Ferry’s latest education?
Rosemary Ferry’s latest education in Bachelor of Science at Widener University
Which industry does Rosemary Ferry work in?
Rosemary Ferry works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Rosemary Ferry’s peers at other companies?
Rosemary Ferry’s peers at other companies are Darrell Lefrance, David Penshorn, Amanda Palmer, Barbara Miller, Robert Jonah.
Who are Rosemary Ferry’s colleagues?
Some of Rosemary Ferry’s colleagues are Mark Hizer, Jonh Kasparian, Michael Baker, Vrancic David.
How can I contact Rosemary Ferry?
Rosemary Ferry contact details: Email address: r***@bah.com Phone number: (703) ***-****
Who is Rosemary Ferry?

Rosemary Ferry is a Project Manager at Booz Allen Hamilton. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Widener University. Rosemary is responsible for overseeing the successful delivery of complex projects, leveraging her expertise in project management to ensure timely and efficient completion of client engagements.... Read More

Where is Rosemary Ferry based?
Rosemary Ferry works for Booz Allen Hamilton, located at United States
See more information about Rosemary Ferry

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