2017-present (8 years)
Rosalyn Gehman Email & Phone number
Rosalyn Gehman Current Workplace
529 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 17602, United States
Phone Number
(717) 687-6331
Number of Employees
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Last Update 12/12/2024 7:46 AM
About Rosalyn Gehman
Rosalyn Gehman works at Conestoga Country Kitchens, which is a Furniture company with an estimated 8 employees. Rosalyn is currently based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Found email listings include: @conestogacountrykitchens.com.Explore more
Rosalyn Gehman Current Workplace
Conestoga Country Kitchens
Conestoga Country Kitchens offers our high quality, custom cabinets for our extensive remodel service. We'll meet with you in your home to determine the best possible design for your new kitchen and/or bath. We'll offer several design options, depending on your space, for you to consider. A computer generated drawing will show the design you choose. We'll also meet in our showroom to discuss the wood and finish of the cabinets, as well as, countertop and hardware selections. Our computer program will give you a realistic idea of your new kitchen design. If there is no contractor needed we offer our services to oversee the project. A detailed schedule ensures that the project runs smoothly and installation is on time. We have subcontractors that we'll recommend for the project or you may choose your own. Either way, we guarantee complete satisfaction throughout the entire project. We work with many highly esteemed Lancaster County builders and contractors. We also offer our recommendatiSee more
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