Rosalind Yount

Branch Administrator II at Graybar

Rosalind Yount Email & Phone number


(234) ***-****

Rosalind Yount Current Workplace





Number of Employees

About Rosalind Yount

Rosalind Yount is a Branch Administrator II at Graybar based in St. Louis, Missouri.

Rosalind Yount Current Workplace


2013-present (12 years)

Graybar, a Fortune 500 corporation and one of the largest employee-owned companies in North America, is a leader in the distribution of high quality electrical, communications and data networking products, and specializes in related supply chain management and logistics services. Through its network of more than 260 North American distribution facilities, it stocks and sells products from thousands of manufacturers, helping its customers power, network and secure their facilities with speed, intelligence and efficiency. For more information, visit www.graybar.com or call 1-800-GRAYBAR.

Org Chart - Graybar

Rosalind Yount

Branch Administrator II

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rosalind Yount

What company does Rosalind Yount work for?
Rosalind Yount works for Graybar as Branch Administrator II
What is Rosalind Yount’s role in Graybar?
Rosalind Yount’s role in Graybar is Branch Administrator II
What is Rosalind Yount’s direct phone number?
Rosalind Yount’s direct phone number is (234) ***-****
What is Rosalind Yount’s work phone number?
Rosalind Yount’s headquarters phone number is (855) 347-2839
Which industry does Rosalind Yount work in?
Rosalind Yount works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Rosalind Yount’s peers at other companies?
Rosalind Yount’s peers at other companies are Sharon Bryant, Joseph Groat, Francisco Flores, Kristy Johnson.
Who are Rosalind Yount’s colleagues?
Some of Rosalind Yount’s colleagues are Dave Berumen, Luis Torres, Shane Turner, Christine Sanner.
Who is Rosalind Yount?

Rosalind Yount is a Branch Administrator II at Graybar based in St. Louis, Missouri....

Where is Rosalind Yount based?
Rosalind Yount works for Graybar, located at United States