Rosa Nera

Cashier and Sales Associate at Yardage Town

Rosa Nera Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Rosa Nera Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Rosa Nera Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Rosa Nera

Rosa Nera is a Cashier and Sales Associate at Yardage Town based in National City, California.

Rosa Nera Current Workplace

Yardage Town

2011-present (14 years)

Fabric stores & warehouse - bulk fabric ordering available! Upholstery, drapery, plastic & vinyl, cottons, fleece, home decor & sewing patterns a great selection at affordable prices.

Rosa Nera Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Food Service Worker

San Diego Unified School District


Sales Assoiate and Cashier

yargage town


Org Chart - Yardage Town

Rosa Nera

Cashier and Sales Associate

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rosa Nera

What company does Rosa Nera work for?
Rosa Nera works for Yardage Town as Cashier and Sales Associate
What is Rosa Nera’s role in Yardage Town?
Rosa Nera’s role in Yardage Town is Cashier and Sales Associate
What is Rosa Nera’s direct phone number?
Rosa Nera’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Rosa Nera’s work phone number?
Rosa Nera’s headquarters phone number is (619) 477-3749
What is Rosa Nera’s latest job experience?
Rosa Nera’s latest job experience is Food Service Worker at San Diego Unified School District
Which industry does Rosa Nera work in?
Rosa Nera works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Rosa Nera’s colleagues?
Some of Rosa Nera’s colleagues are Michelle Olszewski, Dean Goldman, Gala Muchnik, Moaaz Waqas.
Who is Rosa Nera?

Rosa Nera is a Cashier and Sales Associate at Yardage Town based in National City, California....

Where is Rosa Nera based?
Rosa Nera works for Yardage Town, located at United States