
Ronit Lusky

Director, Development & Partnerships at Ghetto Fighters House

Ronit Lusky Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Ronit Lusky Work Experience Summary

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About Ronit Lusky

Ronit Lusky is a Director, Development & Partnerships at Ghetto Fighters House based in Hageta'ot. Previously, Ronit was a Director, Educational Exhibits & International Partnerships at Beit Hatfutsot and also held positions at National Museum of American Jewish History. Ronit received a MA degree degree from University of Haifa.Explore more

Ronit Lusky Current Workplace

Ghetto Fighters House

2021-present (3 years)

The American Friends of the Ghetto Fighters' House Museum (AFGFHM) was established with a dual mission. The organization, a registered 501-C3, strives to support and promote The Ghetto Fighter's House Museum and its Center for Humanistic Education (CHE) by building awareness of its programs and activities throughout the United States. And, we seek to actively engage North American support in sponsoring Ghetto Fighters' House programs through donations that will ensure its legacy in the future. AFGFHM is actively building programs to encourage travelers to Israel to include a visit to the Museum in their itinerary. We hope to increase the number of families who make this beautiful facility on Kibbutz Lohamei Haghetaot a B'nai Mitzvot destination. The freedom fighters who built this magnificent memorial to the human spirit have inspired new generations to build a pathway to peace through the Center for Humanistic Education that is based at GFHM. This Center brings together diverse peopleSee more

Ronit Lusky Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Educational Exhibits & International Partnerships

Beit Hatfutsot


Senior Manager, Education & Interpretation

National Museum of American Jewish History




MA degree - Jewish History

University of Haifa

Org Chart - Ghetto Fighters House


Director, Development & Partnership...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ronit Lusky

What company does Ronit Lusky work for?
Ronit Lusky works for Ghetto Fighters House as Director, Development & Partnerships
What is Ronit Lusky’s role in Ghetto Fighters House?
Ronit Lusky’s role in Ghetto Fighters House is Director, Development & Partnerships
What is Ronit Lusky’s email address?
Ronit Lusky’s email address is r***@gfh.org.il
What is Ronit Lusky’s business email address?
Ronit Lusky’s business email address is r***@gfh.org.il
What is Ronit Lusky’s direct phone number?
Ronit Lusky’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ronit Lusky’s work phone number?
Ronit Lusky’s headquarters phone number is +972 49958080
What is Ronit Lusky’s latest job experience?
Ronit Lusky’s latest job experience is Director, Educational Exhibits & International Partnerships at Beit Hatfutsot
What is Ronit Lusky’s latest education?
Ronit Lusky’s latest education in MA degree - Jewish History at University of Haifa
Which industry does Ronit Lusky work in?
Ronit Lusky works in the industry of Organizations General, Organizations.
Who are Ronit Lusky’s peers at other companies?
Ronit Lusky’s peers at other companies are Caitlin DeLatte, Ronit Lusky.
Who are Ronit Lusky’s colleagues?
Some of Ronit Lusky’s colleagues are Yaron Zur, Dafna Itzkovitch, Anat Bratman-Elhalel, Moran Dahan.
How can I contact Ronit Lusky?
Ronit Lusky contact details: Email address: r***@gfh.org.il Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ronit Lusky?

Ronit Lusky is a Director, Development & Partnerships at Ghetto Fighters House based in Hageta'ot. Previously, Ronit was a Director, Educational Exhibits & International Partnerships at Beit Hatfutsot and also held positions at National Museum of American Jewish History. Ronit received a MA degree degree from University of Haifa.... Read More

Where is Ronit Lusky based?
Ronit Lusky works for Ghetto Fighters House, located at Israel
See more information about Ronit Lusky

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