
Rommel Aniag

Chief Finance Officer at Lapanday Foods

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About Rommel Aniag

Rommel Aniag is the Chief Finance Officer at Lapanday Foods based in Davao, Davao.Explore more

Rommel Aniag Current Workplace

Lapanday Foods

2022-present (3 years)

Lapanday is a company that prides itself on providing top quality fresh bananas and pineapples in Asia and the Middle East - a reputation we have nurtured over the years through strong production management and well-considered investments in supply and productivity, quality, packaging, cold chain management, customer service, and cost efficiency. Our core competencies and the special mix of creativity and prudence that govern our growth have allowed us to be the first banana-exporting Philippine company to successfully introduce its own brands which are now widely accepted in the international market. We are as proud of this distinction as we are of the care we give to our environment and the efforts we take to uplift our communities, and our strict adherence to laws and policies governing fair labor practices, human rights protection, and ethical business conduct. These are principles that we strongly require our business partners to adopt as well. As we seek to be ever more preparedSee more

Org Chart - Lapanday Foods

Chief Finance Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rommel Aniag

What company does Rommel Aniag work for?
Rommel Aniag works for Lapanday Foods as Chief Finance Officer
What is Rommel Aniag’s role in Lapanday Foods?
Rommel Aniag’s role in Lapanday Foods is Chief Finance Officer
What is Rommel Aniag’s email address?
Rommel Aniag’s email address is r***@lapanday.com
What is Rommel Aniag’s business email address?
Rommel Aniag’s business email address is r***@lapanday.com
What is Rommel Aniag’s direct phone number?
Rommel Aniag’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Rommel Aniag’s work phone number?
Rommel Aniag’s headquarters phone number is +63 28120659
Which industry does Rommel Aniag work in?
Rommel Aniag works in the industry of Grocery Retail, Retail.
Who are Rommel Aniag’s peers at other companies?
Rommel Aniag’s peers at other companies are Robert Nyman, Mark McClendon, Anna Whalen, Teri Norton, John Speyer.
Who are Rommel Aniag’s colleagues?
Some of Rommel Aniag’s colleagues are Karen S. Rosales, Robert A. Aquino, Maynor G. Gutierrez, Lilibeth A. Becerra.
How can I contact Rommel Aniag?
Rommel Aniag contact details: Email address: r***@lapanday.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Rommel Aniag?

Rommel Aniag is the Chief Finance Officer at Lapanday Foods based in Davao, Davao.... Read More

Where is Rommel Aniag based?
Rommel Aniag works for Lapanday Foods, located at Philippines
Who is Lapanday Foods’s Chief Finance Officer?
Lapanday Foods's Chief Finance Officer is Rommel Aniag
See more information about Rommel Aniag

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