
Romina Revoredo

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About Romina Revoredo

Romina Revoredo works at studioMDA, which is an Architecture, Engineering & Design company with an estimated 15 employees. Romina is currently based in New York City, New York. Found email listings include: @studiomda.com.Explore more

Romina Revoredo Current Workplace


2024-present (3 months)

studioMDA is a multidisciplinary architecture and design firm, based in New York and founded in 2002 by Markus Dochantschi with the mission of challenging the boundaries of design. studioMDA has worked extensively across the United States and internationally in countries such as Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Ireland, Germany, Peru, Chile, Cambodia, The Democratic Republic of Congo and Malawi. The firm's work includes a wide range of typologies, including both high-end and affordable residential, cultural, commercial, institutional, mixed-use, and architectural design competitions. studioMDA has won numerous awards and has been published widely. The firm has emerged as an authority on cultural buildings and has worked extensively with renowned art collectors, artists and gallerists to design more than a dozen art galleries and countless art booths and exhibitions, including three galleries for Paul Kasmin Gallery (New York), Bortolami Gallery (New York), Anton Kern Gallery (NewSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Romina Revoredo

What is Romina Revoredo’s email address?
Romina Revoredo’s email address is r***@studiomda.com
What is Romina Revoredo’s business email address?
Romina Revoredo’s business email address is r***@studiomda.com
What is Romina Revoredo’s direct phone number?
Romina Revoredo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Romina Revoredo’s work phone number?
Romina Revoredo’s headquarters phone number is (212) 343-3330
Which industry does Romina Revoredo work in?
Romina Revoredo works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Romina Revoredo’s peers at other companies?
Romina Revoredo’s peers at other companies are Song Zhang, Avinash Nimma, Soami Saran, Nijoy John, Shaista Waseem.
Who are Romina Revoredo’s colleagues?
Some of Romina Revoredo’s colleagues are Markus Dochantschi.
How can I contact Romina Revoredo?
Romina Revoredo contact details: Email address: r***@studiomda.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Romina Revoredo based?
Romina Revoredo works for studioMDA, located at United States
See more information about Romina Revoredo

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