Roman Tymoshuk

Assistant Lecturer at American University Kyiv

Roman Tymoshuk Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Roman Tymoshuk Current Workplace

Roman Tymoshuk Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About Roman Tymoshuk

Roman Tymoshuk is an Assistant Lecturer at American University Kyiv, where he is responsible for delivering engaging lectures and seminars to students. Prior to his current role, he worked as an Application Architect at N-iX, leveraging his expertise in software development and architecture. Tymoshuk holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, where he honed his technical skills and gained a strong foundation in his field.Explore more

Roman Tymoshuk Current Workplace

American University Kyiv

2024-present (6 months)

American University Kyiv is a company that operates in the Colleges & Universities industry. It employs 500to999 people and has 100MMto250M of revenue.

Roman Tymoshuk Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Application Architect



Lead Java Engineer



Java Centre of Excellence Head



Java Engineering Lead





Bachelor of Applied Science - BASc, Computational and Applied Mathematics

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Master of Computational and Applied Mathematics

National University 'Ivan Franko' , Lviv

Org Chart - American University Kyiv


Assistant Lecturer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Roman Tymoshuk

What company does Roman Tymoshuk work for?
Roman Tymoshuk works for American University Kyiv as Assistant Lecturer
What is Roman Tymoshuk’s role in American University Kyiv?
Roman Tymoshuk’s role in American University Kyiv is Assistant Lecturer
What is Roman Tymoshuk’s email address?
Roman Tymoshuk’s email address is r***@auk.edu.ua
What is Roman Tymoshuk’s business email address?
Roman Tymoshuk’s business email address is r***@auk.edu.ua
What is Roman Tymoshuk’s direct phone number?
Roman Tymoshuk’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Roman Tymoshuk’s latest job experience?
Roman Tymoshuk’s latest job experience is Application Architect at N-iX
What is Roman Tymoshuk’s latest education?
Roman Tymoshuk’s latest education in Bachelor of Applied Science - BASc, Computational and Applied Mathematics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Which industry does Roman Tymoshuk work in?
Roman Tymoshuk works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Roman Tymoshuk’s peers at other companies?
Roman Tymoshuk’s peers at other companies are Jessica Chardon, Akshada Todmal, Gehad Masaad, Mohamed Saleh, Shulhan Khalidy.
Who are Roman Tymoshuk’s colleagues?
Some of Roman Tymoshuk’s colleagues are Hanna Shvindina, Okan Batur, Savas Yildirim, Nataliia Viatkina.
How can I contact Roman Tymoshuk?
Roman Tymoshuk contact details: Email address: r***@auk.edu.ua Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Roman Tymoshuk?

Roman Tymoshuk is an Assistant Lecturer at American University Kyiv, where he is responsible for delivering engaging lectures and seminars to students. Prior to his current role, he worked as an Application Architect at N-iX, leveraging his expertise in software development and architecture. Tymoshuk holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree from... the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, where he honed his technical skills and gained a strong foundation in his field.Read More

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