
Rodrigo Revoredo

Chief Operating Officer at Ingresse

Rodrigo Revoredo Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Rodrigo Revoredo Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Rodrigo Revoredo

Rodrigo Revoredo is the Chief Operating Officer at Ingresse based in Manaus, Amazonas. Previously, Rodrigo was the Organizational Development at Dasa and also held positions at Vopak, Coca-Cola FEMSA, TNT Italy.Explore more

Rodrigo Revoredo Current Workplace


2024-present (7 months)

Ingresse is a Brazilian social ticketing company that enables people to discover the concerts, nightclubs, parties, and theater plays of their choice. It connects organizers to their audience through an intuitive platform. Any user can post an event on Ingresse. Event creation is crowdsourced to organizers and performers. Through the platform, people have the ability to learn which of their friends will be attending specific events, where these friends will be sitting in the venue, and browse their friends’ opinions and reviews. Organizers can download Ingresse's mobile apps to validate their tickets at the door, turning their phones into scanners. The company's aim is to help people finding the right events and getting them in. Ingresse was founded in 2012.

Rodrigo Revoredo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Head of People



Head People Experience Business Partner



Global Talent Management & Employer Branding Head



Manager, Talent Acquisition & Organizational Development



Org Chart - Ingresse

Chief Operating Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rodrigo Revoredo

What company does Rodrigo Revoredo work for?
Rodrigo Revoredo works for Ingresse as Chief Operating Officer
What is Rodrigo Revoredo’s role in Ingresse?
Rodrigo Revoredo’s role in Ingresse is Chief Operating Officer
What is Rodrigo Revoredo’s email address?
Rodrigo Revoredo’s email address is r***@ingresse.com
What is Rodrigo Revoredo’s business email address?
Rodrigo Revoredo’s business email address is r***@ingresse.com
What is Rodrigo Revoredo’s direct phone number?
Rodrigo Revoredo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Rodrigo Revoredo’s work phone number?
Rodrigo Revoredo’s headquarters phone number is +55 1149336661
What is Rodrigo Revoredo’s latest job experience?
Rodrigo Revoredo’s latest job experience is Head of People at Kavak.com
Which industry does Rodrigo Revoredo work in?
Rodrigo Revoredo works in the industry of Advertising & Marketing, Business Services.
Who are Rodrigo Revoredo’s peers at other companies?
Rodrigo Revoredo’s peers at other companies are Matt Bentley, Lisa Moehlenkamp, Abhinav Chauhan, Liz LaVallee, Jen Champion.
Who are Rodrigo Revoredo’s colleagues?
Some of Rodrigo Revoredo’s colleagues are Marcelo Caldas, Duda Brito, Barbara Valles, Nathalia Duarte.
How can I contact Rodrigo Revoredo?
Rodrigo Revoredo contact details: Email address: r***@ingresse.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Rodrigo Revoredo?

Rodrigo Revoredo is the Chief Operating Officer at Ingresse based in Manaus, Amazonas. Previously, Rodrigo was the Organizational Development at Dasa and also held positions at Vopak, Coca-Cola FEMSA, TNT Italy.... Read More

Where is Rodrigo Revoredo based?
Rodrigo Revoredo works for Ingresse, located at Brazil
Who is Ingresse’s Chief Operating Officer?
Ingresse's Chief Operating Officer is Rodrigo Revoredo
See more information about Rodrigo Revoredo

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