Robson Vidal

President at CarTech

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(***) ***-****

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About Robson Vidal

Robson Vidal∴, President at Cartech, based in Monroe, New York, United States. Previously served as Assistant Manager at EX Detailing Inc. Holds a degree in History from UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceará.Explore more

Robson Vidal Current Workplace


2005-present (20 years)

CarTech is the go-to source for hardcore automotive enthusiasts, offering over 350 car parts books and manuals catered for every automotive enthusiast. They provide a wide selection of books for car builds, restorations, and tune-ups tailored to those interested in performance series, restoration, major projects, and technical reviews. Whether needing resources for loping big blocks, high-boost turbos, or comprehensive coverage of major projects, CarTech has you covered to keep you turning heads and shredding tires.

Org Chart - CarTech






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Robson Vidal

What company does Robson Vidal work for?
Robson Vidal works for CarTech as President
What is Robson Vidal’s role in CarTech?
Robson Vidal’s role in CarTech is President
What is Robson Vidal’s direct phone number?
Robson Vidal’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Robson Vidal’s work phone number?
Robson Vidal’s headquarters phone number is (651) 277-1200
Which industry does Robson Vidal work in?
Robson Vidal works in the industry of Publishing, Media & Internet.
Who are Robson Vidal’s peers at other companies?
Robson Vidal’s peers at other companies are Barbara Feher, John Goodwin, Tom Nicknish, Chase Rawak, Robert Dees.
Who are Robson Vidal’s colleagues?
Some of Robson Vidal’s colleagues are Kristopher Bayne, Connie DeFlorin, Nancy Kuhnz, Stephanie Toman.
Who is Robson Vidal?

Robson Vidal∴, President at Cartech, based in Monroe, New York, United States. Previously served as Assistant Manager at EX Detailing Inc. Holds a degree in History from UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceará.... Read More

Where is Robson Vidal based?
Robson Vidal works for CarTech, located at United States
Who is CarTech’s President?
CarTech's President is Robson Vidal
See more information about Robson Vidal

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