Robin Tincha

Fundraising Manager at Banchero Disability Partners

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About Robin Tincha

Robin Tincha is a Fundraising Manager at Banchero Disability Partners based in Seattle, Washington.Explore more

Robin Tincha Current Workplace

Banchero Disability Partners

2016-present (9 years)

Since 1971, Banchero Disability Partners has provided community based, 24-hour, comprehensive in home support and case management services to adults who have developmental disabilities. Believing that relationships are the key to a good life, we go beyond the basics to help our clients and our staff members develop lasting relationships from which they make meaningful connections and thrive. We work together with our clients to develop their goals and determine how they would like to live their lives. Our partnership with our generous donors and the Developmental Disability Administration makes our success possible.

Org Chart - Banchero Disability Partners


Fundraising Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Robin Tincha

What company does Robin Tincha work for?
Robin Tincha works for Banchero Disability Partners as Fundraising Manager
What is Robin Tincha’s role in Banchero Disability Partners?
Robin Tincha’s role in Banchero Disability Partners is Fundraising Manager
What is Robin Tincha’s direct phone number?
Robin Tincha’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Robin Tincha’s work phone number?
Robin Tincha’s headquarters phone number is (206) 367-7795
Which industry does Robin Tincha work in?
Robin Tincha works in the industry of Organizations General, Organizations.
Who are Robin Tincha’s peers at other companies?
Robin Tincha’s peers at other companies are Claudia Bryant, Dana Rinderknecht, Aleksandra Wielogorski, Jacqueline Flewellen, Achmad Maulana.
Who are Robin Tincha’s colleagues?
Some of Robin Tincha’s colleagues are Eric Richardson, Amie Mbye, Mohammed Bayo, Abdoulie Faal.
Who is Robin Tincha?

Robin Tincha is a Fundraising Manager at Banchero Disability Partners based in Seattle, Washington.... Read More

Where is Robin Tincha based?
Robin Tincha works for Banchero Disability Partners, located at United States
See more information about Robin Tincha

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