Robin Reyes

Customer Success Representative at AccuSourceHR

Robin Reyes Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(***) ***-****

Robin Reyes Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Robin Reyes Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Robin Reyes

Robin Reyes is a Customer Success Representative at AccuSourceHR based in Phoenix, Arizona. Previously, Robin was an Administrative Assistant at Frasco and also held positions at M&A Executive Search, Los Angeles Dodgers, Urban Diversity Marketing, FanSided, Arizona Daily Wildcat, CATZ Sports Performance & Fitness Center.Explore more

Robin Reyes Current Workplace


2024-present (7 months)

AccuSourceHR, Inc. is a full-service employment screening organization headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. Recognized as a PBSA-accredited, award-winning screening industry veteran, they are committed to continuously promoting a balance between affording innovative technology and providing comprehensive, consistent, US-based client care. This objective is reinforced by the belief every client is unique and deserves a customized program of quality background and drug screening solutions to meet their specific organizational goals. Their diverse, tenured team includes knowledgeable subject matter experts in key highly regulated and compliance-driven industries. AccuSourceHR strives to ensure every client views them as an extension of their organizations human resources, safety, and risk mitigation teams.

Robin Reyes Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Administrative Assistant



Brewery Assistant

Overtown Brewing Company


Research Analyst

M&A Executive Search


Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation 50 and 50 Raffle

Los Angeles Dodgers


Org Chart - AccuSourceHR


Customer Success Representative




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Robin Reyes

What company does Robin Reyes work for?
Robin Reyes works for AccuSourceHR as Customer Success Representative
What is Robin Reyes’s role in AccuSourceHR?
Robin Reyes’s role in AccuSourceHR is Customer Success Representative
What is Robin Reyes’s direct phone number?
Robin Reyes’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Robin Reyes’s work phone number?
Robin Reyes’s headquarters phone number is (951) 734-8882
What is Robin Reyes’s latest job experience?
Robin Reyes’s latest job experience is Administrative Assistant at Frasco
Which industry does Robin Reyes work in?
Robin Reyes works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Robin Reyes’s peers at other companies?
Robin Reyes’s peers at other companies are Ingrid Aguiar Dias, Stephanie Brumfield, Rocío Rodriguez, Jaqueline do Nascimento, Luma Guadanhim.
Who are Robin Reyes’s colleagues?
Some of Robin Reyes’s colleagues are Sandra Chacko, Heather Romberg, Gabrielle Martinez, Angela Judd.
Who is Robin Reyes?

Robin Reyes is a Customer Success Representative at AccuSourceHR based in Phoenix, Arizona. Previously, Robin was an Administrative Assistant at Frasco and also held positions at M&A Executive Search, Los Angeles Dodgers, Urban Diversity Marketing, FanSided, Arizona Daily Wildcat, CATZ Sports Performance & Fitness Center.... Read More

Where is Robin Reyes based?
Robin Reyes works for AccuSourceHR, located at United States
See more information about Robin Reyes

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