Robert Parkhurst

Consultant at 3P

Robert Parkhurst Email & Phone number

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(512) ***-****

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Robert Parkhurst Work Experience Summary

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About Robert Parkhurst

Robert Parkhurst is an Assistant Vice President at Navy Federal Credit Union based in Vienna, Virginia. Previously, Robert was a Consultant at 3P and also held positions at Gap Inc.. Robert received a B. S. degree from University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point.Explore more

Robert Parkhurst Current Workplace


2004-present (21 years)

Frontal polymerization was invented in the 1970s in Chernogolovka, Russia and then rediscovered by Professor John A. Pojman, then at The University of Southern Mississippi, in 1991. Here is a complete bibliography of all work published on the topic. Frontal polymerization is a localized reaction that propagates through a monomer by the coupling of thermal transport and the Arrhenius kinetics of an exothermic polymerization. In simple terms, you heat a mixture of chemicals that react and give off heat. The heat spreads and causes neighboring regions to start reacting and give off more heat. The process continues as the reaction spreads out through all the material. Pojman had been researching frontal polymerization since 1991 and begun to work on repair aplications for one pot, cure-on demand medium. In the April 2011, Pojman gave a lecture in the Department of Chemistry at Portland State University and Colleen Williams, suggested his materials could be useful for artists. This startedSee more

Robert Parkhurst Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Business Development Director

Gap Inc.




B. S. - Physics

University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point
Highlands High School

Org Chart - 3P






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Robert Parkhurst

What company does Robert Parkhurst work for?
Robert Parkhurst works for 3P as Consultant
What is Robert Parkhurst’s role in 3P?
Robert Parkhurst’s role in 3P is Consultant
What is Robert Parkhurst’s direct phone number?
Robert Parkhurst’s direct phone number is (512) ***-****
What is Robert Parkhurst’s latest job experience?
Robert Parkhurst’s latest job experience is Business Development Director at Gap Inc.
What is Robert Parkhurst’s latest education?
Robert Parkhurst’s latest education in B. S. - Physics at University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point
Which industry does Robert Parkhurst work in?
Robert Parkhurst works in the industry of Building Materials, Manufacturing.
Who are Robert Parkhurst’s peers at other companies?
Robert Parkhurst’s peers at other companies are Tony Shaw, Otba AL Wehher, Ivan Martinez, Anthony Innamarato, Carlos Arruda.
Who are Robert Parkhurst’s colleagues?
Some of Robert Parkhurst’s colleagues are Hugh Dickinson, Marian Prescod.
Who is Robert Parkhurst?

Robert Parkhurst is an Assistant Vice President at Navy Federal Credit Union based in Vienna, Virginia. Previously, Robert was a Consultant at 3P and also held positions at Gap Inc.. Robert received a B. S. degree from University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point.... Read More

Where is Robert Parkhurst based?
Robert Parkhurst works for 3P, located at United States
See more information about Robert Parkhurst

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