Robby Van

Chief Operating Officer at APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt

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About Robby Van

Robby Van is the Chief Operating Officer at APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt based in Dubai, Dubai.Explore more

Robby Van Current Workplace

APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt

2020-present (5 years)

APT Global is a leading ship builder, equipment manufacturer and technical service provider in Marine, Dredging, Offshore, Oil & Gas, Industry and Energy. Since our inception in 2003 we have developed into a recognized partner for an ever growing client base. We understand the requirements of our customers, resulting in long standing relationships and a fast growing global exposure. Headquartered in Dubai and supported by various strategically located operations in the UAE, Qatar, India and the Netherlands we strive to provide the highest level of quality and service. Core competencies of the APT Global Group include: New building and refurbishment of dredgers and workboats Maintenance, repair, refurbishment and conversion of all types of vessels in drydock or afloat (Dry docking capacity up to 130mtr/ 6000T) New building ofequipment, structures andcomponents for dredging, oil & gas and offshore Modern heavy machining facility On- site repair services (mechanical, steel fabrication, diSee more

Org Chart - APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt

Chief Operating Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Robby Van

What company does Robby Van work for?
Robby Van works for APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt as Chief Operating Officer
What is Robby Van’s role in APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt?
Robby Van’s role in APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt is Chief Operating Officer
What is Robby Van’s email address?
Robby Van’s email address is r***@aptglobalmarine.com
What is Robby Van’s business email address?
Robby Van’s business email address is r***@aptglobalmarine.com
What is Robby Van’s direct phone number?
Robby Van’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Robby Van’s work phone number?
Robby Van’s headquarters phone number is +971 48848805
Which industry does Robby Van work in?
Robby Van works in the industry of Boats & Submarines, Manufacturing.
Who are Robby Van’s peers at other companies?
Robby Van’s peers at other companies are Gary Johnson, Galo Tocagni, Wilson Djie, Barry Shepherd, James Aiyelabola.
Who are Robby Van’s colleagues?
Some of Robby Van’s colleagues are Bappu Pt, Lithin George, Girish Menon, Sudeep Kumar.
How can I contact Robby Van?
Robby Van contact details: Email address: r***@aptglobalmarine.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Robby Van?

Robby Van is the Chief Operating Officer at APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt based in Dubai, Dubai.... Read More

Where is Robby Van based?
Robby Van works for APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt, located at United Arab Emirates
Who is APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt’s Chief Operating Officer?
APT Global Marine Engineering Pvt's Chief Operating Officer is Robby Van
See more information about Robby Van

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