Rj McKinney

Owner at Kool Beans Etc

Rj McKinney Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Rj McKinney Current Workplace


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About Rj McKinney

Rj McKinney is an Owner at Kool Beans Etc based in Wilmington, Delaware.Explore more

Rj McKinney Current Workplace

Kool Beans Etc

1997-present (28 years)

Kool Beans specializes in balloon decorations including balloon arches, balloon centerpieces, balloon bouquets, balloon sculptures, balloon columns, and balloon canopies in many themes and colors. What's a birthday celebration without balloons? Are you celebrating a sweet sixteen, bar/ bat mitzvah or quinceanera? Create the most amazing décor for your milestone with balloons from Kool Beans. A necessity for dohl Korean first birthdays, balloons will set the tone of your event. You can also liven up your baby shower, bridal shower or anniversary with our specialty balloons. We create special themes and unique designs that will amaze your guests. Balloons will liven up your prom, homecoming or graduation. Your school event will be remembered with our amazing balloon designs. Fundraiser's will be more successful with balloon decorations. Banquets and corporate events will be more impressive, too. We also provide Balloon Bouquet Deliveries for any occasion,Birthdays,Congratulations or anytSee more

Org Chart - Kool Beans Etc






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rj McKinney

What company does Rj McKinney work for?
Rj McKinney works for Kool Beans Etc as Owner
What is Rj McKinney’s role in Kool Beans Etc?
Rj McKinney’s role in Kool Beans Etc is Owner
What is Rj McKinney’s email address?
Rj McKinney’s email address is m***@koolbeansetc.com
What is Rj McKinney’s business email address?
Rj McKinney’s business email address is m***@koolbeansetc.com
What is Rj McKinney’s direct phone number?
Rj McKinney’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Rj McKinney’s work phone number?
Rj McKinney’s headquarters phone number is (302) 654-8590
Which industry does Rj McKinney work in?
Rj McKinney works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Rj McKinney’s peers at other companies?
Rj McKinney’s peers at other companies are Christopher Essig, Anne Pope, Eric Morrison, Shirley Lowe, Christi Brownlow.
How can I contact Rj McKinney?
Rj McKinney contact details: Email address: m***@koolbeansetc.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Rj McKinney?

Rj McKinney is an Owner at Kool Beans Etc based in Wilmington, Delaware.... Read More

Where is Rj McKinney based?
Rj McKinney works for Kool Beans Etc, located at United States
Who is Kool Beans Etc’s Owner?
Kool Beans Etc's Owner is Rj McKinney
See more information about Rj McKinney

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