2023-present (2 years)
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Last Update 11/19/2024 11:49 PM
About Rita MacDonald
Rita MacDonald works as a Musician at Canso Causeway, which is a Commercial & Residential Construction company with an estimated 9 employees. Rita is currently based in Canada. Found email listings include: @cansocauseway.ca.Explore more
Rita MacDonald Current Workplace
Canso Causeway
The Canso Causeway Anniversary Society was established in 2002 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Canso Causeway and its impact on the Strait Region and Cape Breton Island. Planning and organization ensured the week-long commemoration was a significant occasion. With funding secured early in 2004 from Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation and the Province of Nova Scotia, The Board of Directors and the event committees went to work, finalizing details for all of the events to take place. Event Managers, Icon Communications & Research Inc. worked closely with the Board, the committees and the event staff, to address the hundreds of details required to make this occasion a success. The Society was committed to planning a world-class event for residents and visitors alike and feedback we have received has told us that we've accomplished that goal.
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