Rika KrugerA+

Rika Kruger

Chief Executive Officer at Paysoft

Rika Kruger Email & Phone number

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+27 ** *** ****

Rika Kruger Current Workplace




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Rika Kruger Work Experience Summary

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About Rika Kruger

Rika Kruger is the Chief Executive Officer at Paysoft based in City, Wallis and Futuna. Previously, Rika was the National Sales Manager, Commercial at TransUnion. Rika received a Bachelor of Social Science degree from University of Orange Free State and a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from University of South Africa/Universiteit van Suid-Afrika.Explore more

Rika Kruger Current Workplace


2012-present (13 years)

Paysoft offers financial and credit management products to assist clients with credit vetting, and payment and collection processing. As a result of the high volumes of transactions we process, we are able to offer our clients significant savings on their EFT payment, debit order, DebiCheck and account verification transaction costs. Paysoft clients are able to use our secure Web-based interface to manage and report on their transactions, or integrate our services directly into their own systems using our secure FTP and API solutions. Naturally, data privacy and security are of paramount importance to us. Our servers are located in a one-of-a-kind category-5 biometric data vault, and our systems are audited by our banking partners. Contact us today to find out how our expert team can help you to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs.

Rika Kruger Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Social Science - (MW), Psycology and Social Work

University of Orange Free State

Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) - Strategic Management

University of South Africa/Universiteit van Suid-Afrika

Org Chart - Paysoft

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rika Kruger

What company does Rika Kruger work for?
Rika Kruger works for Paysoft as Chief Executive Officer
What is Rika Kruger’s role in Paysoft?
Rika Kruger’s role in Paysoft is Chief Executive Officer
What is Rika Kruger’s email address?
Rika Kruger’s email address is r***@paysoft.co.za
What is Rika Kruger’s business email address?
Rika Kruger’s business email address is r***@paysoft.co.za
What is Rika Kruger’s direct phone number?
Rika Kruger’s direct phone number is +27 ** *** ****
What is Rika Kruger’s latest education?
Rika Kruger’s latest education in Bachelor of Social Science - (MW), Psycology and Social Work at University of Orange Free State
Which industry does Rika Kruger work in?
Rika Kruger works in the industry of Credit Cards & Transaction Processing, Finance.
Who are Rika Kruger’s peers at other companies?
Rika Kruger’s peers at other companies are Theresa Daly, Jeanne Conrad, Manish Gurukula, Tarique Al-Ansari, Ajay Hans.
Who are Rika Kruger’s colleagues?
Some of Rika Kruger’s colleagues are Latchezar Nastev, Maomela Sekhitla, George Makris, Janet Hoogervorst.
How can I contact Rika Kruger?
Rika Kruger contact details: Email address: r***@paysoft.co.za Phone number: +27 ** *** ****
Who is Rika Kruger?

Rika Kruger is the Chief Executive Officer at Paysoft based in City, Wallis and Futuna. Previously, Rika was the National Sales Manager, Commercial at TransUnion. Rika received a Bachelor of Social Science degree from University of Orange Free State and a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from University of South Africa/Universiteit van Suid-Afrika.... Read More

Where is Rika Kruger based?
Rika Kruger works for Paysoft, located at South Africa
Who is Paysoft’s Chief Executive Officer?
Paysoft's Chief Executive Officer is Rika Kruger
See more information about Rika Kruger

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