
Rick Kattenburg

Owner and Principal at Kattenburg Architects

Rick Kattenburg Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(925) ***-****

Rick Kattenburg Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Rick Kattenburg Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


Last Update 1/11/2025 7:58 AM

About Rick Kattenburg

Rick Kattenburg is an Owner and Principal at Kattenburg Architects based in Lafayette, California. Rick received a Bachelor of Architecture degree from North Carolina State University and a Master of Architecture from University of California, Berkeley.

Rick Kattenburg Current Workplace

Kattenburg Architects

1981-present (44 years)

Kattenburg Architects, founded in 1981, is a full service award-winning architectural firm specializing in residential projects. Rick Kattenburg, principal architect for the firm, explains, "Many of our projects are major remodels with additions, recycling older homes and breathing new 'green' life into them, while updating their style and functionality. We are proud to have been an important influence to the lifestyles of so many in our community." Rick Kattenburg, a licensed Architect in California since 1976, and his staff represent a team recognizing the need for developing designs reflecting the clients' personal tastes and budgets. They bring the latest in-depth knowledge for achieving a sustainable design; utilizing best practices through design, planning reviews, permit documentation, project bidding, and construction. Mr. Kattenburg holds a Master's Degree in Architecture from The University of California, Berkeley. He has taught design at San Francisco State University, UniveSee more

Rick Kattenburg Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Architecture - Architecture

North Carolina State University

Master of Architecture - Architecture

University of California, Berkeley

Org Chart - Kattenburg Architects

Rick Kattenburg

Owner and Principal

Recent News About Rick Kattenburg

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Rick Kattenburg

What company does Rick Kattenburg work for?
Rick Kattenburg works for Kattenburg Architects as Owner and Principal
What is Rick Kattenburg’s role in Kattenburg Architects?
Rick Kattenburg’s role in Kattenburg Architects is Owner and Principal
What is Rick Kattenburg’s email address?
Rick Kattenburg’s email address is r***@kattenburgarchitects.com
What is Rick Kattenburg’s business email address?
Rick Kattenburg’s business email address is r***@kattenburgarchitects.com
What is Rick Kattenburg’s direct phone number?
Rick Kattenburg’s direct phone number is (925) ***-****
What is Rick Kattenburg’s work phone number?
Rick Kattenburg’s headquarters phone number is (925) 253-7828
What is Rick Kattenburg’s latest education?
Rick Kattenburg’s latest education in Bachelor of Architecture - Architecture at North Carolina State University
Which industry does Rick Kattenburg work in?
Rick Kattenburg works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Rick Kattenburg’s peers at other companies?
Rick Kattenburg’s peers at other companies are Mary Beth Stilwell, Jim Keavney, Barry King, Amy Yin, Ryan Davies.
How can I contact Rick Kattenburg?
Rick Kattenburg contact details: Email address: r***@kattenburgarchitects.com Phone number: (925) ***-****
Who is Rick Kattenburg?

Rick Kattenburg is an Owner and Principal at Kattenburg Architects based in Lafayette, California. Rick received a Bachelor of Architecture degree from North Carolina State University and a Master of Architecture from University of California, Berkeley....

Where is Rick Kattenburg based?
Rick Kattenburg works for Kattenburg Architects, located at United States
Who is Kattenburg Architects’s Owner and Principal?
Kattenburg Architects's Owner and Principal is Rick Kattenburg